context("test-g01-constraints") TOL <- 1e-6 a <- Variable(name = "a") b <- Variable(name = "b") x <- Variable(2, name = "x") y <- Variable(3, name = "y") z <- Variable(2, name = "z") A <- Variable(2, 2, name = "A") B <- Variable(2, 2, name = "B") C <- Variable(3, 2, name = "C") SOC <- CVXR:::SOC save_value <- CVXR:::save_value test_that("test the EqConstraint class", { skip_on_cran() constr <- x == z expect_equal(name(constr), "x == z") expect_equal(dim(constr), c(2,1)) # Test value and dual_value expect_true( expect_error(constr_value(constr)) x <- save_value(x, 2) z <- save_value(z, 2) constr <- x == z expect_true(constr_value(constr)) x <- save_value(x, 3) constr <- x == z expect_false(constr_value(constr)) value(x) <- c(2,1) value(z) <- c(2,2) constr <- x == z expect_false(constr_value(constr)) expect_equal(violation(constr), matrix(c(0,1)), tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(residual(constr), matrix(c(0,1)), tolerance = TOL) value(z) <- c(2,1) constr <- x == z expect_true(constr_value(constr)) expect_equal(violation(constr), matrix(c(0,0))) expect_equal(residual(constr), matrix(c(0,0))) expect_error(x == y) }) test_that("test the LeqConstraint class", { skip_on_cran() constr <- x <= z expect_equal(name(constr), "x <= z") expect_equal(dim(constr), c(2,1)) # Test value and dual_value expect_true( expect_error(constr_value(constr)) x <- save_value(x, 1) z <- save_value(z, 2) constr <- x <= z expect_true(constr_value(constr)) x <- save_value(x, 3) constr <- x <= z expect_false(constr_value(constr)) value(x) <- c(2,1) value(z) <- c(2,0) constr <- x <= z expect_false(constr_value(constr)) expect_equal(violation(constr), matrix(c(0,1)), tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(residual(constr), matrix(c(0,1)), tolerance = TOL) value(z) <- c(2,2) constr <- x <= z expect_true(constr_value(constr)) expect_equal(violation(constr), matrix(c(0,0)), tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(residual(constr), matrix(c(0,0)), tolerance = TOL) expect_error(x <= y) }) test_that("Test the PSD constraint %>>%", { skip_on_cran() constr <- A %>>% B expect_equal(name(constr), "A + -B >> 0") expect_equal(dim(constr), c(2,2)) # Test value and dual_value expect_true( expect_error(constr_value(constr)) A <- save_value(A, rbind(c(2,-1), c(1,2))) B <- save_value(B, rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1))) constr <- A %>>% B expect_true(constr_value(constr)) expect_equal(violation(constr), 0, tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(residual(constr), 0, tolerance = TOL) B <- save_value(B, rbind(c(3,0), c(0,3))) constr <- A %>>% B expect_false(constr_value(constr)) expect_equal(violation(constr), 1, tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(residual(constr), 1, tolerance = TOL) expect_error(x %>>% 0, "Non-square matrix in positive definite constraint.") }) test_that("Test the PSD constraint %<<%", { skip_on_cran() constr <- A %<<% B expect_equal(name(constr), "B + -A >> 0") expect_equal(dim(constr), c(2,2)) # Test value and dual_value expect_true( expect_error(constr_value(constr)) B <- save_value(B, rbind(c(2,-1), c(1,2))) A <- save_value(A, rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1))) constr <- A %<<% B expect_true(constr_value(constr)) A <- save_value(A, rbind(c(3,0), c(0,3))) constr <- A %<<% B expect_false(constr_value(constr)) expect_error(x %<<% 0, "Non-square matrix in positive definite constraint.") }) test_that("test the >= operator", { skip_on_cran() constr <- z >= x expect_equal(name(constr), "x <= z") expect_equal(dim(constr), c(2,1)) expect_error(y >= x) }) test_that("test the SOC class", { skip_on_cran() exp <- x + z scalar_exp <- a + b constr <- SOC(scalar_exp, exp) expect_equal(size(constr), 3) })