library(COMPoissonReg) set.seed(1234) # ----- A small simulation with CMP ----- n = 150 X = cbind(int = 1, x = rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)) S = cbind(int = 1, s = rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)) offx = rep(0.5, n) offs = rep(-0.25, n) beta.true = c(-0.75, 1.5) gamma.true = c(0, -1) lambda.true = exp(X %*% beta.true + offx) nu.true = exp(S %*% gamma.true + offs) R = 200 res = matrix(NA, R, 4) for (r in 1:R) { if (r %% 25 == 0) { cat("Starting rep", r, "\n") } y = rcmp(n, lambda.true, nu.true) dat = data.frame(y = y, x = X[,2], s = S[,2], offx = offx, offs = offs) tryCatch({ out = glm.cmp( formula.lambda = y ~ x + offset(offx), = ~ s + offset(offs), data = dat) res[r,] = coef(out) }, error = function(e) { print(e) }) } w = numeric(R) = var(res, na.rm = TRUE) for (r in 1:R) { delta = res[r,] - c(beta.true, gamma.true) w[r] = t(delta) %*% solve(, delta) } plot(ecdf(w)) curve(pchisq(x, df = ncol(res)), add = TRUE, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "red") # ----- A small simulation with ZICMP ----- n = 150 X = cbind(int = 1, x = rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)) S = cbind(int = 1, s = rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)) W = cbind(int = 1, w = rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)) offx = rep(0.5, n) offs = rep(-0.25, n) offw = rep(-2, n) beta.true = c(-0.75, 1.5) gamma.true = c(0, -1) zeta.true = c(-1, 0.25) lambda.true = exp(X %*% beta.true + offx) nu.true = exp(S %*% gamma.true + offs) p.true = plogis(W %*% zeta.true + offw) R = 200 res = matrix(NA, R, 6) for (r in 1:R) { if (r %% 25 == 0) { cat("Starting rep", r, "\n") } y = rzicmp(n, lambda.true, nu.true, p.true) dat = data.frame(y = y, x = X[,2], s = S[,2], w = W[,2], offx = offx, offs = offs, offw = offw) tryCatch({ out = glm.cmp( formula.lambda = y ~ x + offset(offx), = ~ s + offset(offs), formula.p = ~ w + offset(offw), data = dat) res[r,] = coef(out) }, error = function(e) { print(e) }) } w = numeric(R) = var(res, na.rm = TRUE) for (r in 1:R) { delta = res[r,] - c(beta.true, gamma.true, zeta.true) w[r] = t(delta) %*% solve(, delta) } plot(ecdf(w)) curve(pchisq(x, df = ncol(res)), add = TRUE, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "red")