require(CLA) source(system.file("xtraR", "platform-sessionInfo.R", # <<- ../inst/xtraR/platform-sessionInfo.R package = "CLA", mustWork=TRUE)) # moreSessionInfo(), withAutoprint() .. mS <- moreSessionInfo(print. = TRUE) data(muS.sp500)# not 500, but 476 assets <--> ../man/muS.sp500.Rd <<< if(requireNamespace("FRAPO")) { data(SP500, package = "FRAPO") print(dim(SP500)) # 265 * 476 } (n <- length(muS.sp500$mu)) # 476 system.time(# ~ 9 sec (64-bit); 13.8 sec (32-b florence); seen 27.44 sec on Winb.32 CLs5c.0.120 <- CLA(muS.sp500$mu, muS.sp500$covar, lB=0, uB=1/20) ) CLs5c.0.120 # -> print() method ws <- CLs5c.0.120$weights_set table(rowSums(ws) > 0) ## FALSE TRUE ## 397 79 == we check below that indeed 79 assets have some non-0 wts uncall <- function(x) `$<-`(x, call, NULL) doExtras <- TRUE # for experiments, not normally doExtras <- FALSE if(doExtras) { system.time({ tols <- 10^-c(1,3,5:9,11,14) names(tols) <- paste0("10^", round(log10(tols))) <- lapply(tols, function(tol) CLA(muS.sp500$mu, muS.sp500$covar, lB=0, uB=1/20, tol.lambda = tol)) }) # 78.101 elapsed [nb-mm4] ; 46.108 [lynne 2018-10] identical(uncall([["10^-7"]]), uncall(CLs5c.0.120)) for(i in seq_along(tols)[-1]) { cat("--=--=--=--=--\n", (n1 <- names(tols[i-1])), " vs. ", (n2 <- names(tols[i])), ": ") ae <- all.equal(uncall([[i-1]]), uncall([[ i ]])) if(isTRUE(ae)) cat(" are all.equal()\n") else { CLA.i. <- uncall([[i-1]]) ; wgt <- CLA.i.$weights_set cat("are different [all.equal()]: dim(..[[",n1,"]]$weights_set) =", dim(wgt)[1],"x", dim(wgt)[2],"\n") } } } ## 2018-10 lynne, 64b Fedora 28 ## 10^-1 vs. 10^-3 : are different [all.equal()]: dim(..[[ 10^-1 ]]$weights_set) = 476 x 47 ## 10^-3 vs. 10^-5 : are different [all.equal()]: dim(..[[ 10^-3 ]]$weights_set) = 476 x 156 ## 10^-5 vs. 10^-6 : are all.equal() ## ................ " " " op <- options(width = max(500, getOption("width"))) # then it actually fits ## Mostly keep the 79 assets with non-zero weights: ## ---> wts.non0 { 79 x 161 } matrix if(require(Matrix)) withAutoprint(local = FALSE, { ## visualize how weights change "along turning points" spWts <- Matrix(CLs5c.0.120$weights_set, sparse=TRUE) image(spWts, xlab = "turning point", ylab = "asset number") ## dim(spWts.non0 <- spWts[rowSums(spWts) > 0 , ]) round(1000 * spWts.non0) ##-> e.g. ./Solaris_wts_non0.txt ==> readWn0() ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ image(spWts.non0, xlab = "turning point", ylab = "asset number") wts.non0 <- as(spWts.non0, "matrix") }) else { warning("'Matrix' package not available -- should not happen!") wts.non0 <- CLs5c.0.120$weights_set[rowSums(CLs5c.0.120$weights_set) > 0 , ] if(is.null(colnames(wts.non0))) ## empty column names for nice printing: colnames(wts.non0) <- rep("", ncol(wts.non0)) print.table(round(1000 * wts.non0), zero.print=".") } ##' To read the output from the above round(1000*spWts.non) into a (non-sparse) matrix: readWn0 <- function(txtfile) { stopifnot(file.exists(txtfile)) lns <- strsplit((ln <- readLines(txtfile)), split = " +") n <- unique(lengths(lns)) if(length(n) != 1) stop("number of 'words' in each line differ:", paste(n, collapse=", ")) nms <- lapply(lns, `[[`, 1) rnls <- lapply(lns, `[`, -1L) # the non-names, i.e. round(1000 * wts[]) w1000 <- setNames(rnls, nms) nr_non0 <- vapply(w1000, function(ch) sum(ch != "."), 1L) list(nr_non0=nr_non0, w1000=w1000) } if(FALSE) { # private file rr <- readWn0(txtfile = "./SP5c_Solaris_wts_non0.txt") rr <- readWn0(txtfile = "./SP5c_Win32_wts_non0.txt") rr <- readWn0(txtfile = "./SP5c_M1mac_wts_non0.txt") # this is really special nr_non0 <- rr$nr_non0 ## compare with b64.n0, to construct 'S10.b32.n0' : ## same length (== 79) *and* same names : stopifnot(identical(names(nr_non0), names(b64.n0))) d <- nr_non0 - b64.n0 d[d != 0] # Solaris: the first, ADSK is 2, all others are 1 .. all((d1 <- d[d != 0][-1]) == 1) # TRUE (FALSE for M1mac) dput(names(d1)) # the names for the '1' .. ## Win 32: 1 2 -1 1 ... 1 2 1 1 -- win 32 is really "big" differing: ## table(d) .. only 23 do *not* differ ## -1 0 1 2 ## 5 23 49 2 majority (49 of 79): "+1" } table(w.pos <- wts.non0 > 0) ## FALSE TRUE ## 7808 4911 summary(log10(c(wts.non0[w.pos]))) ## Lnx F34: ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## -18.363 -1.816 -1.405 -1.688 -1.301 -1.301 plot(ecdf(l10w <- log10(c(wts.non0[w.pos])))) abline(v = log10(1/20), col=2, lwd=2, lty=2) # weights upper boundary = 1/20 (here) rug(l10w) # wow, that's revealing! mtext(paste(sfsmisc::shortRversion(), osVersion, sep=" -- ")) table(l10w < -10) ## FALSE TRUE ## 4889 22 <-- get 23 (and different ones), for Lnx(64b) --no-long-double sum(l10w < -5) # the *same* 22 | 23 round(sort(l10w[l10w < -10]), 1) ## -18.4 ..... Lnx&Win64/32: -15.4 -15.1 -15.1 -14.8 // Lnx_noLD: -15.8 -15.4 -14.8 // M1: .. -16.0 -15.4 -15.4 smll.e_10 <- 0 < wts.non0 & wts.non0 < 1e-10 iSml <- which(smll.e_10, arr.ind = TRUE) iSml <- iSml[order(iSml[,1], iSml[,2]),] data.frame(iSml, wt = wts.non0[smll.e_10]) ## row col wt ## ADSK 2 7 8.881784e-16 ## AET 3 4 1.776357e-15 ## AMGN 4 159 4.440892e-16 ## BCR 9 98 2.220446e-16 ## BDX 10 126 8.881784e-16 ## BUD 15 155 1.110223e-16 ## CI 18 32 5.551115e-17 ## CL 19 79 1.110223e-16 ## CTL 24 157 1.387779e-17 ## ED 29 130 1.387779e-17 ## EIX 30 15 5.551115e-17 ## FE 33 50 3.469447e-18 ## HAL 35 131 1.127570e-17 ## MCD 46 73 3.469447e-18 ## NEM 53 117 1.734723e-18 ## RAI 62 52 6.938894e-18 ## SII 66 119 2.775558e-17 ## SYK 68 63 6.938894e-18 ## WMT 77 156 3.469447e-18 ## XTO 79 3 2.602085e-18 ## XTO.1 79 12 4.336809e-19 ## XTO.2 79 96 8.673617e-19 ## NEW:: set all really small wts to zero ==> I expect everything will be platform independent! wts.non0[smll.e_10] <- 0 # !! ## === ## from the 4911, now have 22 less: stopifnot(sum(w.pos <- wts.non0 > 0) == 4889) options(op) stopifnot(nrow(wts.non0) == 79) if(FALSE) # once, manually (into tests/ directory saveRDS(wts.non0, "wtsn0.rds")"wtsn0.rds")$size # 26926 wtsn0.ref <- readRDS("wtsn0.rds") ## see on all platforms what we get -- on OpenBLAS, the dim() differs ! all.equal(target = wtsn0.ref, current = wts.non0, tol=0) # expect TRUE only on 64bit (Lnx, R's BLAS) # 3.10416e-15 and 1.366427e-15 on other BLAS differWts <- ncol(wtsn0.ref) != ncol(wts.non0) if(differWts) { cat("Got",ncol(wts.non0), "weights from CLA() -- different than ref with", ncol(wtsn0.ref), "\n") strict <- FALSE # ! } else { strict <- mS$strictR stopifnot(all.equal(target = wtsn0.ref, current = wts.non0, tol = 1e-13)) } non.0.assets <- Filter(function(.) . > 0, apply(wts.non0, 1, function(c) sum(c > 0))) ## New (after zapping 22 very small weights): b64.n0 <- c(AAPL = 135L, ADSK = 65L, AET = 146L, AMGN = 2L, ATI = 75L, AYE = 56L, AZO = 26L, BAX = 95L, BCR = 34L, BDX = 35L, BIIB = 118L, BNI = 86L, BRL = 23L, BTU = 27L, BUD = 6L, CCE = 54L, CELG = 128L, CI = 68L, CL = 82L, CLX = 53L, CME = 140L, CNX = 16L, COST = 40L, CTL = 4L, CVS = 102L, DF = 36L, DGX = 33L, DVN = 14L, ED = 31L, EIX = 126L, ESRX = 48L, FCX = 54L, FE = 60L, GILD = 38L, HAL = 30L, HES = 40L, HST = 108L, HUM = 71L, INTU = 48L, JNJ = 34L, K = 61L, LH = 80L, LLL = 96L, LMT = 83L, LUK = 72L, MCD = 60L, MDT = 43L, MMC = 7L, MON = 53L, MRO = 136L, MTW = 66L, MUR = 97L, NEM = 44L, NOC = 74L, NUE = 30L, NVDA = 13L, PBG = 72L, PCP = 102L, PDCO = 71L, PEP = 69L, PG = 87L, RAI = 109L, RIG = 121L, RRC = 105L, RTN = 90L, SII = 26L, SSP = 14L, SYK = 18L, SYMC = 13L, TEX = 36L, TIE = 84L, TSO = 115L, TYC = 59L, UST = 127L, WAG = 17L, WFR = 5L, WMT = 5L, X = 43L, XTO = 99L) non.0.TARG <- if(mS$ b64) { if(mS$ b64nLD) if(mS$arch == "arm64" && grepl("darwin", R.version$os)) # since Feb.2021 also for 'M1mac' b64.n0 # M1.b64.n0 else b64.n0 # b64nLD.n0 else b64.n0 } else { # 32 bit if(mS$ osVersion == "Solaris 10") b64.n0 # S10.b32.n0 else if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") b64.n0 # win.b32.n0 else # notably 32-bit Linux b64.n0 # b32.n0 } ## see on all platforms what we get; typically no diff on 64bit *and* using R's BLAS/Lapack if(all(non.0.assets == non.0.TARG)) { ## show differences: cat("Asset results == non.0.TARG\n") } else { ## (not seen anymore, since "zap < 1e-10"): cat("\n'non.0.assets' differing from non.0.TARG:\n") cat("+1:\n"); dput(names(b64.n0)[non.0.assets - non.0.TARG == +1]) cat("-1:\n"); dput(names(b64.n0)[non.0.assets - non.0.TARG == -1]) if(any(isB <- abs(non.0.assets - non.0.TARG) > 1)) { cat("more different (than just +/- 1), showing differences:\n") dput((non.0.assets - non.0.TARG)[isB]) } } ## They have the same names and only differ by +/- 1: stopifnot(exprs = { !strict || identical(non.0.assets, non.0.TARG) differWts || identical(head(CLs5c.0.120$free_indices, 12), list(c(295L, 453L), 453L, c(453L, 472L), c(19L, 453L, 472L), c(19L, 453L), 453L, c(15L, 453L), 15L, c(15L, 320L), c(15L, 105L, 320L), c(105L, 320L), c(105L, 320L, 472L))) }) ## Check some of the 'Env' versions: --------- ##' Transform CLA() result to old style (= Env8 / Env9 results): claStrip <- function(res) { class(res) <- NULL res$call <- NULL res$emptyLambdas <- NULL res$weights_set <- unname(res$weights_set) names(res)[[match("MS_weights", names(res))]] <- "MS_weight" # "MS_weights" w/ final "s" res } rCLA <- claStrip(CLs5c.0.120) ##' Drop "first turning point" from old, pre-0.95, CLA() result: claDrop1st <- function(res) { res$weights_set <- res$weights_set[, -1L , drop=FALSE] # drop 1st column if(is.matrix(res$MS_weight)) res$MS_weight <- res$MS_weight[ -1L, , drop=FALSE] # drop 1st row for(nm in c("free_indices", "gammas", "lambdas")) res[[nm]] <- res[[nm]][-1L] res } ## back compatibility to "old" Env8 results: nsCLA <- asNamespace("CLA") if(is.environment(e8 <- nsCLA$Env8)) local(withAutoprint({ system.time(r8 <- e8$cla.solve(muS.sp500$mu, muS.sp500$covar, lB = rep(0,n), uB= rep(1/20, n))) ## lynne (2017): 9.6--9.8 sec; 2018: 6.1 sec if(ncol(claDrop1st(r8)$weights_set) == ncol(rCLA$weights_set)) stopifnot(all.equal(claDrop1st(r8), rCLA, tol = 1e-14)) # they are the same! else cat("#{columns} differ in r8\n") })) if(is.environment(e9 <- nsCLA$Env9)) local(withAutoprint({ system.time(r9 <- e9$cla.solve(muS.sp500$mu, muS.sp500$covar, lB = rep(0,n), uB= rep(1/20, n))) ## lynne(2017): 10.0 sec; 2018: 6.6 sec if(ncol(claDrop1st(r9)$weights_set) == ncol(rCLA$weights_set)) stopifnot(all.equal(claDrop1st(r9), rCLA, tol = 1e-14)) # they are the same! else cat("#{columns} differ in r9\n") }))