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Type 'q()' to quit R. > # Make stacked mosaic diagrams and solubility contours > # 20220723 jmd > > # - Is solubility() function basically correct? > # Check: Solubility contour (right column for each stack) coincides with mineral-aqueous stability boundary > # NOTE: Contour and aqueous species are both set to logarithm of activity = -6 > > # - Are solubilities of bimetallic minerals (i.e. chalcopyrite) correct? > # Check: ??? > # TODO: Is there a reference for the correct result? > > # - Is an Fe(first)-Cu stack the same as a Cu(first)-Fe stack? > # Check: Chalcopyrite field has consistent extents in Stack 2 (Diagram 4) and Stack 4 (Diagram 8) > # TODO: Chalcopyrite field doesn't change, but assemblages with other minerals are different > > # - Are solubilities correct for different stoichiometries? > # Check: Change chalcopyrite (Cu:Fe = 1:1) to bornite (Cu:Fe = 5:1) > # TODO: Solubility contours for bornite are incorrect > > # NOTE: Among these diagrams, I think that Diagrams 4 and 8 are likely to be > # the most accurate depictions of the solubilities of Cu and Fe, respectively > # (Bornite and chalcopyrite should both be present, after the solubility() calculations for bornite are fixed.) > > # This is a long test: don't run it for routine package checking > if(FALSE) { + + library(CHNOSZ) + reset() + + pdf("stack_solubility.pdf", width = 6, height = 9) + par(mfrow = c(4, 2)) + + # Define system + res <- 200 + pH <- c(0, 14, res) + O2 <- c(-48, -33, res) + T <- 200 + logmS <- -2 + m_NaCl <- 0.1 + logm_aq <- -6 # for both Fe- and Cu-bearing aq species + # Define basis species + S.aq <- c("H2S", "HS-", "HSO4-", "SO4-2") + # Define minerals + Fe.cr <- c("pyrite", "pyrrhotite", "magnetite", "hematite") + FeCu.cr <- c("chalcopyrite", "bornite") + Cu.cr <- c("copper", "cuprite", "tenorite", "chalcocite", "covellite") + # Define aqueous species + iFe.aq <- retrieve("Fe", c("S", "O", "H", "Cl"), "aq") + Fe.aq <- info(iFe.aq)$name + iCu.aq <- retrieve("Cu", c("S", "O", "H", "Cl"), "aq") + Cu.aq <- info(iCu.aq)$name + # Apply NaCl concentration + nacl <- NaCl(T = T, P = "Psat", m_tot = m_NaCl) + + ### Setup basis species for Fe-Cu stacks + reset() + basis(c("Cu+", "pyrite", "H2S", "oxygen", "H2O", "H+", "Cl-")) + basis("H2S", logmS) + basis("Cl-", log10(nacl$m_Cl)) + + ## Diagram 1: Only Fe-bearing minerals + species(Fe.cr) + # Mosaic with S species as basis species + mFe <- mosaic(S.aq, pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS) + dFe <- diagram(mFe$A.species, col = 2) + + ## Diagram 2: Cu- (and FeCu-) bearing minerals and aqueous species + species(c("chalcopyrite", Cu.cr)) + species(Cu.aq, -6, add = TRUE) + mFeCu <- mosaic(list(S.aq, Fe.cr), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dFe$predominant)) + diagram(mFeCu$A.species) + + ## Diagram 2a: Overlay single solubility contour + species(c("chalcopyrite", Cu.cr)) + sout1 <- solubility(iCu.aq, bases = list(S.aq, Fe.cr), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dFe$predominant)) + diagram(sout1, add = TRUE, col = 4, lwd = 2, levels = -6) + + mtext("Stack 1: Fe minerals only -> Cu(Fe) minerals and Cu aqueous", adj = 1.1, line = 1.1) + + ## Diagram 3: Fe-bearing minerals and aqueous species + species(Fe.cr) + species(Fe.aq, -6, add = TRUE) + mFe <- mosaic(S.aq, pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS) + dFe <- diagram(mFe$A.species, col = 2) + + ## Diagram 4: Cu- (and FeCu-) bearing minerals and aqueous species + species(c("chalcopyrite", Cu.cr)) + species(Cu.aq, -6, add = TRUE) + mFeCu <- mosaic(list(S.aq, c(Fe.cr, Fe.aq)), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dFe$predominant), loga_aq = c(NA, logm_aq)) + diagram(mFeCu$A.species) + + ## Diagram 4a: Overlay single solubility contour + species(c("chalcopyrite", Cu.cr)) + sout2 <- solubility(iCu.aq, bases = list(S.aq, c(Fe.cr, Fe.aq)), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dFe$predominant), loga_aq = c(NA, logm_aq)) + diagram(sout2, add = TRUE, col = 4, lwd = 2, levels = -6) + + mtext("Stack 2: Fe minerals and aqueous -> Cu(Fe) minerals and Cu aqueous", adj = 1, line = 1.1) + + ### Setup basis species for Cu-Fe stacks + reset() + basis(c("Fe+2", "copper", "H2S", "oxygen", "H2O", "H+", "Cl-")) + basis("H2S", logmS) + basis("Cl-", log10(nacl$m_Cl)) + + ## Diagram 5: Only Cu-bearing minerals + species(Cu.cr) + mCu <- mosaic(S.aq, pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS) + dCu <- diagram(mCu$A.species, col = 4) + + ## Diagram 6: Fe- (and CuFe-) bearing minerals and aqueous species + species(c("chalcopyrite", Fe.cr)) + species(Fe.aq, -6, add = TRUE) + mCuFe <- mosaic(list(S.aq, Cu.cr), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dCu$predominant)) + diagram(mCuFe$A.species) + + ## Diagram 6a: Overlay single solubility contour + species(c("chalcopyrite", Fe.cr)) + sout3 <- solubility(iFe.aq, bases = list(S.aq, Cu.cr), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dCu$predominant)) + diagram(sout3, add = TRUE, col = 2, lwd = 2, levels = -6) + + mtext("Stack 3: Cu minerals only -> Fe(Cu) minerals and Fe aqueous", adj = 1.1, line = 1.1) + + ## Diagram 7: Cu-bearing minerals and aqueous species + species(Cu.cr) + species(Cu.aq, -6, add = TRUE) + mCu <- mosaic(S.aq, pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS) + dCu <- diagram(mCu$A.species, col = 4) + + ## Diagram 8: Fe- (and CuFe-) bearing minerals and aqueous species + species(c("chalcopyrite", Fe.cr)) + species(Fe.aq, -6, add = TRUE) + mCuFe <- mosaic(list(S.aq, c(Cu.cr, Cu.aq)), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dCu$predominant), loga_aq = c(NA, logm_aq)) + diagram(mCuFe$A.species) + + ## Diagram 8a: Overlay single solubility contour + species(c("chalcopyrite", Fe.cr)) + sout4 <- solubility(iFe.aq, bases = list(S.aq, c(Cu.cr, Cu.aq)), pH = pH, O2 = O2, T = T, IS = nacl$IS, stable = list(NULL, dCu$predominant), loga_aq = c(NA, logm_aq)) + diagram(sout4, add = TRUE, col = 2, lwd = 2, levels = -6) + + mtext("Stack 4: Cu minerals and aqueous -> Fe(Cu) minerals and Fe aqueous", adj = 1, line = 1.1) + + dev.off() + + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.17 0.03 0.20