test_that("Creating timestamps", { expect_error(as_timestamp("1-2-3")) # No CFtime as first argument cf <- CFtime("hours since 2001-01-01", "365_day") expect_null(as_timestamp(cf)) # No offsets cf <- cf + 0L:2399L expect_error(as_timestamp(cf, "d")) # Wrong format specifier expect_error(as_timestamp(cf, asPOSIX = T)) # No POSIXt on a non-standard calendar expect_equal(length(as_timestamp(cf)), 2400L) cf <- CFtime("days since 2001-01-01", "standard", 0L:364L) expect_equal(length(as_timestamp(cf)), 365L) expect_equal(nchar(as_timestamp(cf)[1]), 10L) # date string expect_equal(length(as_timestamp(cf, "date", TRUE)), 365L) expect_equal(length(as_timestamp(cf, "timestamp", TRUE)), 365L) }) test_that("Using format()", { cf <- CFTime$new("days since 2001-01-01 18:10:30-04", "365_day") expect_equal(length(cf$format()), 0L) # no offsets cf <- cf + 0:364 expect_equal(format(cf)[1], "2001-01-01 18:10:30") # format parameter missing expect_error(format(cf, 123)) # format parameter must be character expect_error(format(cf, c("doesn't", "work", "either"))) expect_equal(format(cf, "Timestamp is: %%%F%%")[1], "Timestamp is: %2001-01-01%") expect_equal(format(cf, "Timestamp is: %R")[1], "Timestamp is: 18:10") expect_equal(format(cf, "%T%z")[1], "18:10:30-0400") #expect_equal(format(cf, "%b")[c(1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)], month.abb) # en_EN only #expect_equal(format(cf, "%B")[c(1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)], month.name) # expect_equal(format(cf, "%Od-%e-%I%p")[5], "05- 5-06PM") }) test_that("CFfactor testing", { # No offsets cf <- CFtime("days since 2000-01-01", "365_day") expect_error(CFfactor()) expect_error(CFfactor(cf)) expect_error(CFfactor(cf, "zxcv")) expect_error(CFfactor(cf, c("day", "month"))) expect_error(CFfactor(cf, "hour")) expect_error(CFfactor(cf, "month", "bad")) month_days <- c(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) leap_month_days <- c(31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) dekad_days <- c(10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11) leap_dekad_days <- c(10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11) # Few offsets cf <- cf + 365L:370L expect_error(CFfactor(cf)) cf <- cf + 371L:7664L # 20 years of offsets # Regular factors for all available periods np <- c(20, 81, 80, 240, 720, 7300) first <- c("2001", "2001S1", "2001Q1", "2001-01", "2001D01", "2001-01-01") last <- c("2020", "2021S1", "2020Q4", "2020-12", "2020D36", "2020-12-31") for (p in 1:6) { f <- CFfactor(cf, CFt$factor_periods[p]) expect_equal(as.character(f)[1L], first[p]) expect_equal(as.character(f)[7300L], last[p]) newcf <- attr(f, "CFTime") bnds <- bounds(newcf) expect_equal(definition(cf), definition(newcf)) expect_true(is.matrix(bnds)) expect_type(bnds, "double") expect_equal(dim(bnds), c(2, np[p])) } # Era factors for all available periods eras <- list(first = 2001L, double = 2002L:2003L, final3 = 2018L:2020L, outside = 2022L) lvls <- c(1L, 4L, 4L, 12L, 36L, 365L) expect_error(cf$factor("month", "bad")) for (p in 1:6) { # year, season, quarter, month, dekad, day f <- CFfactor(cf, CFt$factor_periods[p], eras) expect_type(f, "list") expect_equal(length(f), 4L) expect_equal(length(f$first), 7300L) expect_equal(attr(f$first, "period"), CFt$factor_periods[p]) expect_equal(attr(f$first, "era"), 1L) expect_null(attr(f$first, "zxcv")) if (p == 1L) { expect_equal(length(levels(f$first)), 1L) expect_equal(length(levels(f$double)), 2L) expect_equal(length(levels(f$final3)), 3L) expect_equal(length(levels(f$outside)), 0L) } else if (p %in% c(2L, 3L)) { expect_equal(length(levels(f$first)), 4L) expect_equal(length(levels(f$double)), 4L) expect_equal(length(levels(f$final3)), 4L) expect_equal(length(levels(f$outside)), 0L) } else { expect_equal(length(levels(f$first)), lvls[p]) expect_equal(length(levels(f$double)), lvls[p]) expect_equal(length(levels(f$final3)), lvls[p]) expect_equal(length(levels(f$outside)), 0L) } } # Single era value for all available periods for (p in 1:6) { # year, season, quarter, month, dekad, day f <- CFfactor(cf, CFt$factor_periods[p], 2002L) expect_s3_class(f, "factor") expect_equal(length(f), 7300L) expect_equal(length(levels(f)), lvls[p]) expect_equal(attr(f, "period"), CFt$factor_periods[p]) expect_equal(attr(f, "era"), 1L) expect_null(attr(f, "zxcv")) } # Units and coverage in factor levels expect_error(CFfactor_units("zxcv")) expect_error(CFfactor_units(cf, "zxcv")) expect_error((CFfactor_units(cf, list(12)))) expect_error((CFfactor_units(cf, factor(letters)))) expect_error((CFfactor_units(cf, list(factor(letters))))) f <- CFfactor(cf, "year") expect_true(all(CFfactor_units(cf, f) == 365L)) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") == 365L)) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "season") expect_equal(sum(CFfactor_units(cf, f)), 7390L) # 20 yrs * 365 plus 90 bc DJF season present on both ends expect_true(all(CFfactor_units(cf, f) %in% 90L:92L)) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_equal(x[1L], 59L) # Jan + Feb of first year expect_equal(x[81L], 31L) # Dec of last year expect_true(all(x[2L:80L] %in% 90L:92L)) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") expect_equal(x[1L] + x[81L], 1L) expect_true(all(x[2L:80L] == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "quarter") expect_equal(sum(CFfactor_units(cf, f)), 7300L) expect_true(all(CFfactor_units(cf, f) %in% 90L:92L)) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_equal(x[1L], 90L) expect_equal(x[80L], 92L) expect_true(all(x %in% 90L:92L)) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") expect_true(all(x == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "month") expect_equal(sum(CFfactor_units(cf, f)), 7300L) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") == month_days)) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "dekad") expect_equal(sum(CFfactor_units(cf, f)), 7300L) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x == dekad_days)) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "day") expect_equal(sum(CFfactor_units(cf, f)), 7300L) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") == 1L)) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") == 1L)) # 360_day calendar cf360 <- CFtime("days since 2001-01-01", "360_day", 0:7199) f <- CFfactor(cf360, "month") expect_equal(sum(CFfactor_units(cf360, f)), 7200L) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf360, f, "absolute") == 30L)) expect_true(all(CFfactor_coverage(cf360, f, "relative") == 1L)) # Units and coverage in factor levels with eras f <- CFfactor(cf, "year", eras) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_units(cf, f)) == rep(365L, 6L))) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute")) == c(rep(365L, 6L), 0L))) expect_equal(sum(sapply(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative"), sum)), 3L) f <- CFfactor(cf, "season", eras) expect_true(all(sapply(CFfactor_units(cf, f), function(x) {all(x == c(90L, 92L, 92L, 91L))}))) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_equal(x$first[1L], 59L) # Jan + Feb of first year at beginning of time series expect_equal(x$double, c(180L, 184L, 184L, 182L)) # two full years expect_equal(x$final3, c(270L, 276L, 276L, 273L)) # three full years x <- unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative")) #expect_equal(x[1], 59 / 90). # works in the console but not here expect_true(all(x[2L:12L] == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "month", eras) expect_true(all(sapply(CFfactor_units(cf, f), function(x) {all(x == month_days)}))) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x$first == month_days)) expect_true(all(x$double == month_days * 2L)) expect_true(all(x$final3 == month_days * 3L)) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative")) == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "dekad", eras) expect_true(all(sapply(CFfactor_units(cf, f), function(x) {all(x == dekad_days)}))) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x$first == dekad_days)) expect_true(all(x$double == dekad_days * 2L)) expect_true(all(x$final3 == dekad_days * 3L)) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative")) == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "day", eras) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_units(cf, f)) == 1L)) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x$first == 1L)) expect_true(all(x$double == 2L)) expect_true(all(x$final3 == 3L)) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative")) == 1L)) # all_leap calendar cf366 <- CFtime("days since 2001-01-01", "all_leap", 0:7319) f <- CFfactor(cf366, "year", eras) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_units(cf366, f)) == rep(366L, 6L))) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "absolute")) == c(rep(366L, 6L), 0L))) expect_equal(sum(sapply(CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "relative"), sum)), 3L) f <- CFfactor(cf366, "season", eras) expect_true(all(sapply(CFfactor_units(cf366, f), function(x) {all(x == c(91L, 92L, 92L, 91L))}))) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "absolute") expect_equal(x$first[1L], 60L) # Jan + Feb of first year at beginning of time series expect_equal(x$double, c(182L, 184L, 184L, 182L)) # two full years expect_equal(x$final3, c(273L, 276L, 276L, 273L)) # three full years x <- unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "relative")) #expect_equal(x[1], 60 / 90). # works in the console but not here expect_true(all(x[2L:12L] == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf366, "month", eras) expect_true(all(sapply(CFfactor_units(cf366, f), function(x) {all(x == leap_month_days)}))) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x$first == leap_month_days)) expect_true(all(x$double == leap_month_days * 2L)) expect_true(all(x$final3 == leap_month_days * 3L)) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "relative")) == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf366, "dekad", eras) expect_true(all(sapply(CFfactor_units(cf366, f), function(x) {all(x == leap_dekad_days)}))) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x$first == leap_dekad_days)) expect_true(all(x$double == leap_dekad_days * 2L)) expect_true(all(x$final3 == leap_dekad_days * 3L)) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "relative")) == 1L)) f <- CFfactor(cf366, "day", eras) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_units(cf366, f)) == 1L)) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "absolute") expect_true(all(x$first == 1L)) expect_true(all(x$double == 2L)) expect_true(all(x$final3 == 3L)) expect_true(all(unlist(CFfactor_coverage(cf366, f, "relative")) == 1L)) # Factors on data not aligned by year t <- CFTime$new("days since 2020-07-01", "standard", 0:364) first <- c("2020", "2020S3", "2020Q3", "2020-07", "2020D19", "2020-07-01") last <- c("2021", "2021S3", "2021Q2", "2021-06", "2021D18", "2021-06-30") for (p in 1:6) { f <- t$factor(CFt$factor_periods[p]) expect_equal(as.character(f)[1L], first[p]) expect_equal(as.character(f)[365L], last[p]) } # Incomplete coverage n <- 365L * 20L cov <- 0.8 offsets <- sample(0L:(n-1L), n * cov) expect_warning(cf <- CFtime("days since 2020-01-01", "365_day", offsets)) f <- CFfactor(cf, "month") x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "absolute") expect_equal(sum(x), n * cov) x <- CFfactor_coverage(cf, f, "relative") expect_true((cov - 0.01) < mean(x) && mean(x) < (cov + 0.01)) }) test_that("cut() works", { cf <- CFtime("days since 2020-01-01", "360_day", 0:719) expect_error(cut("sfg")) expect_error(cut(cf)) expect_error(cut(cf, breaks = 5)) expect_error(cut(cf, "")) expect_error(cut(cf, "blah")) f <- cut(cf, "quarter") expect_equal(nlevels(f), 8) expect_equal(levels(f), c("2020Q1", "2020Q2", "2020Q3", "2020Q4", "2021Q1", "2021Q2", "2021Q3", "2021Q4")) f <- cut(cf, c("2021-01-01", "2020-04-03")) # out of order expect_s3_class(f, "factor") expect_equal(levels(f), "2020-04-03") f <- cut(cf, c("2020-01-01", "2020-06-17", "2021-01-01", "2021-04-12", "2401-01-01")) expect_equal(levels(f), c("2020-01-01", "2020-06-17", "2021-01-01", "2021-04-12")) })