test_that("bounds works", { t <- CFtime("days since 2024-01-01", "standard") off <- seq(from = 0.5, by = 1, length.out = 10) bnds <- rbind(0:9, 1:10) expect_null(bounds(t)) # no offsets expect_error(bounds(t) <- bnds) # t <- t + off expect_null(bounds(t)) # bounds not set bounds(t) <- TRUE expect_equal(bounds(t), bnds) expect_equal(bounds(t, "%Y-%m-%d")[2,1:3], c("2024-01-02", "2024-01-03", "2024-01-04")) bounds(t) <- FALSE expect_null(bounds(t)) expect_error(bounds(t) <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 4)) expect_error(bounds(t) <- "plain wrong") expect_error(bounds(t) <- bnds * 10) bounds(t) <- bnds expect_match(capture_output(t$print()), "Bounds : regular and consecutive$") hr6 <- rbind(off - 0.25, off + 0.25) bounds(t) <- hr6 expect_match(capture_output(t$print()), "Bounds : irregular$") expect_equal(bounds(t), hr6) expect_equal(bounds(t, "%H")[,1], c("06", "18")) }) test_that("indexOf() works", { off <- (23*360):(24*360-1) + 0.5 # year 2024 days t <- CFtime("days since 2001-01-01", "360_day", off) x <- c("1999-02-12", # pre-origin "2023-06-23", # pre-time series "2024-01-30", "2024-01-31", # non-existent date "2024-02-01", "2024-02-30", "2024-03-01", "2025-01-01") # post-time series expect_error(indexOf(x, t, method = 4)) expect_error(indexOf(TRUE, t)) expect_error(indexOf(x, CFtime("months since 2001-01-01", "standard", 0:23))) expect_error(indexOf(x, t, nomatch = "July")) # must be able to coerce to numeric expect_equal(indexOf(x, t)[1:8], c(0, 0, 29, NA, 30, 59, 60, .Machine$integer.max)) expect_equal(indexOf(x, t, method = "linear")[1:8], c(0, 0, 29.5, NA, 30.5, 59.5, 60.5, .Machine$integer.max)) n <- 1:3 out <- indexOf(n, t) outt <- attr(out, "CFTime") expect_equal(as_timestamp(t)[1:3], as_timestamp(outt)) n <- c(-1, -2, -3) out <- indexOf(n, t) outt <- attr(out, "CFTime") expect_equal(length(outt), 360 - 3) expect_equal(as_timestamp(t)[4:6], as_timestamp(outt)[1:3]) expect_error(indexOf(c(-1, 1), t)) # Attached CFtime must have valid timestamps in `x` out <- indexOf(x, t) outt <- attr(out, "CFTime") expect_equal(as_timestamp(outt), x[!is.na(out) & out > 0 & out < .Machine$integer.max]) bounds(t) <- TRUE expect_equal(indexOf(x, t)[1:8], c(0, 0, 30, NA, 31, 60, 61, .Machine$integer.max)) expect_equal(indexOf(x, t, method = "linear")[1:8], c(0, 0, 30, NA, 31, 60, 61, .Machine$integer.max)) })