test_date_functions <- function(con, write_schema) { date_df <- dplyr::tibble( date1 = as.Date(c("2000-12-01", "2000-12-01", "2000-12-01", "2000-12-01")), date2 = as.Date(c("2001-12-01", "2001-12-02", "2001-11-30", "2001-01-01")), y = 2000L, m = 10L, d = 11L ) # upload the date table if ("tmpdate" %in% listTables(con, write_schema)) { DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con))) } # TODO can this be fixed? if (dbms(con) == "oracle") { # uploading date types gives 'Numeric value out of range' error date_df %>% dplyr::mutate(date1 = as.character(.data$date1), date2 = as.character(.data$date2)) %>% {DBI::dbWriteTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate0", dbms = dbms(con)), value = ., overwrite = TRUE)} date_tbl <- dplyr::tbl(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate0", dbms = dbms(con))) %>% dplyr::mutate(date1 = as.Date(date1), date2 = as.Date(date2)) %>% compute(temporary = FALSE, name = "tmpdate", overwrite = TRUE) DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate0", dbms = dbms(con))) } else { DBI::dbWriteTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con)), date_df) expect_true("tmpdate" %in% listTables(con, write_schema)) date_tbl <- dplyr::tbl(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con))) } # test datediff df <- date_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(date3 = !!dateadd("date1", 1, interval = "year")) %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_years = !!datediff("date1", "date2", interval = "year")) %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_days = !!datediff("date1", "date2", interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::select("date1", "date2", "date3", "dif_years", "dif_days") %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::left_join(date_df, ., by = c("date1", "date2")) %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_years = as.numeric(dif_years), dif_days = as.numeric(dif_days)) expect_true(all((lubridate::interval(df$date1, df$date3) / lubridate::years(1)) == 1)) expect_equal(df$dif_years, c(1, 1, 0, 0)) expect_equal(df$dif_days, c(365, 366, 364, 31)) df <- date_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(date2 = !!dateadd("date1", 1, interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::mutate(date3 = !!dateadd("date1", -1, interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_days2 = !!datediff("date1", "date2", interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_days3 = !!datediff("date1", "date3", interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::collect() %>% # dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(1:3, ~as.Date(., origin = "1970-01-01"))) %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_days2 = as.integer(dif_days2), dif_days3 = as.integer(dif_days3)) expect_true(all(lubridate::interval(df$date1, df$date2) / lubridate::days(1) == 1)) expect_true(all(lubridate::interval(df$date1, df$date3) / lubridate::days(1) == -1)) expect_true(all(df$dif_days2 == 1)) expect_true(all(df$dif_days3 == -1)) # can add a date and an integer column df <- date_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(number1 = 1L, minus1 = -1L) %>% dplyr::mutate(date2 = !!dateadd("date1", "number1", interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::mutate(date3 = !!dateadd("date1", "minus1", interval = "day")) %>% dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(lubridate::interval(df$date1, df$date2) / lubridate::days(1) == 1)) expect_true(all(lubridate::interval(df$date1, df$date3) / lubridate::days(1) == -1)) # test creation of date from parts if (dbms(con) != "bigquery") { # TODO paste0 translation incorrect on bigquery df <- date_tbl %>% dplyr::transmute(date_from_parts = paste0( as.character(.data$y), "-", as.character(.data$m), "-", as.character(.data$d) )) %>% dplyr::mutate(date_from_parts = as.Date(date_from_parts)) %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::distinct() expect_equal(as.Date(df$date_from_parts), as.Date("2000-10-11")) } # test datepart df <- date_tbl %>% dplyr::transmute( year = !!datepart("date1", "year"), month = !!datepart("date1", "month"), day = !!datepart("date1", "day")) %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::distinct() expect_equal(df$year, 2000) expect_equal(df$month, 12) expect_equal(df$day, 1) } # dbtype = "bigquery" for (dbtype in dbToTest) { test_that(glue::glue("{dbtype} - date functions"), { if (!(dbtype %in% ciTestDbs)) skip_on_ci() if (dbtype != "duckdb") skip_on_cran() else skip_if_not_installed("duckdb") write_schema <- get_write_schema(dbtype) skip_if(any(write_schema == "")) con <- get_connection(dbtype) skip_if(is.null(con)) test_date_functions(con, write_schema) disconnect(con) }) } # TODO as.Date translation fails on Oracle. asDate provides the workaround. # df <- date_tbl2 %>% # dplyr::mutate(date_from_parts = as.Date(paste0( # .data$year_of_birth1, "/", # .data$month_of_birth1, "/", # .data$day_of_birth1 # ))) test_that('dateadd works without pipe', { skip("failing test") con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb()) DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "tbl", data.frame(date = as.Date("2020-01-01"))) db <- dplyr::tbl(con, "tbl") df1 <- db %>% dplyr::mutate(next_day = !!dateadd("date", 1, "day")) %>% dplyr::collect() df2 <- db |> dplyr::mutate(next_day = !!dateadd("date", 1, "day")) |> dplyr::collect() # dateadd does not work without the magrittr pipe df3 <- dplyr::mutate(db, next_day = !!dateadd("date", 1, "day")) %>% dplyr::collect() expect_equal(df1, df2) expect_equal(df2, df3) DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = T) }) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(difftime(start_date, end_date, units = "days")), sql("DATEDIFF(`end_date`, `start_date`)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(difftime(start_date, end_date)), sql("DATEDIFF(`end_date`, `start_date`)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(add_years(x, 1)), sql("ADD_MONTHS(`x`, 1.0 * 12.0)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(add_days(x, 1)), sql("DATE_ADD(`x`, 1.0)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(date_build(2020, 1, 1)), sql("MAKE_DATE(2020.0, 1.0, 1.0)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(date_build(year_column, 1L, 1L)), sql("MAKE_DATE(`year_column`, 1, 1)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(get_year(date_column)), sql("DATE_PART('YEAR', `date_column`)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(get_month(date_column)), sql("DATE_PART('MONTH', `date_column`)")) # expect_equal(test_translate_sql(get_day(date_column)), sql("DATE_PART('DAY', `date_column`)")) # The development version of dbplyr contains translations for clock functions that we can use instead of the workarounds. test_clock_functions <- function(con, write_schema) { # skip("manual test") skip_if_not_installed("dbplyr", "2.5.0") date_df <- dplyr::tibble( date1 = as.Date(c("2000-12-01", "2000-12-01", "2000-12-01", "2000-12-01")), date2 = as.Date(c("2001-12-01", "2001-12-02", "2001-11-30", "2001-01-01")), y = 2000L, m = 10L, d = 11L ) # date_df %>% dplyr::mutate(dif_days = as.integer(difftime(date2, date1))) # upload the date table if ("tmpdate" %in% listTables(con, write_schema)) { DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con))) } # Note there is an issue with uploading date types to Oracle DBI::dbWriteTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con)), date_df) expect_true("tmpdate" %in% listTables(con, write_schema)) date_tbl <- dplyr::tbl(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con))) # add_years is not working on spark or duckdb # add_days, difftime does not work on duckdb # add_years and add_days return datetimes on postgres making the as.Date() conversion is needed # date_build does not work on redshift or duckdb https://github.com/tidyverse/dbplyr/pull/1513 library(clock) # on postgres we need the as.Date conversion around add_years and add_days df <- date_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(y2 = clock::get_year(date1), m2 = clock::get_month(date1), d2 = clock::get_day(date1)) if (dbms(con) != "duckdb") { df <- dplyr::mutate(df, dif_days = difftime(date2, date1), date3 = as.Date(clock::add_years(date1, 1L)), date4 = as.Date(clock::add_days(date1, 1L)), date7 = as.Date(add_years(date1, m)), date8 = as.Date(add_days(date1, m)) ) } if (dbms(con) == "spark") { # clock::add_years does not work on spark. must use add_days # https://github.com/tidyverse/dbplyr/pull/1511 fixes it # for now we can always use add_days df <- dplyr::mutate(df, date3 = as.Date(clock::add_days(date1, 1L*365L))) } if (!(dbms(con) %in% c("duckdb", "redshift"))) { df <- dplyr::mutate(df, date5 = date_build(2020L, 1L, 1L), date6 = date_build(y, m, d)) } df <- dplyr::collect(df) %>% dplyr::mutate_if(~class(.) == "integer64", as.integer) expect_equal(unique(df$y2), 2000) expect_equal(unique(df$m2), 12) expect_equal(unique(df$d2), 1) if (dbms(con) %in% c("redshift", "postgres")) { df$dif_days <- abs(df$dif_days) # TODO on some dbms the translation of difftime does not match base R difftime and we get the wrong sign } # some of these translations are failing on certain database platforms if (!(dbms(con) %in% c("duckdb"))) { expect_equal(sort(df$dif_days), sort(c(365, 366, 364, 31))) # row order is not preserved on snowflake expect_equal(unique(df$date3), as.Date("2001-12-01")) expect_equal(unique(df$date4), as.Date("2000-12-02")) expect_equal(unique(df$date8), as.Date("2000-12-11")) } if (!(dbms(con) %in% c("spark", "duckdb"))) expect_equal(unique(df$date7), as.Date("2010-12-01")) # fails on spark if (!(dbms(con) %in% c("duckdb", "redshift"))) { expect_equal(unique(df$date5), as.Date("2020-01-01")) expect_equal(unique(df$date6), as.Date("2000-10-11")) } DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, inSchema(schema = write_schema, table = "tmpdate", dbms = dbms(con))) } # dbtype = "spark" # dbtype = "postgres" # dbtype = "duckdb" # dbtype = "redshift" for (dbtype in dbToTest) { test_that(glue::glue("{dbtype} - date functions"), { if (!(dbtype %in% ciTestDbs)) skip_on_ci() if (dbtype != "duckdb") skip_on_cran() else skip_if_not_installed("duckdb") write_schema <- get_write_schema(dbtype) skip_if(any(write_schema == "")) con <- get_connection(dbtype) skip_if(is.null(con)) if (dbtype != "bigquery") test_clock_functions(con, write_schema) disconnect(con) }) } test_as.Date <- function(con, cdm_schema, write_schema) { # debugonce(cdmFromCon) cdm <- cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = cdm_schema, writeSchema = write_schema, cdmName = "test" ) df <- cdm$person %>% head(1) if (dbms(con) == "bigquery") { df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(string = CONCAT( as.character(.data$year_of_birth), "-", as.character(.data$month_of_birth), "-", as.character(.data$day_of_birth) )) } else { df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(string = paste( as.character(.data$year_of_birth), as.character(.data$month_of_birth), as.character(.data$day_of_birth), sep = "-" )) } df <- df %>% dplyr::transmute( date1 = as.Date("2020-01-01"), date2 = as.Date(.data$string) ) %>% dplyr::collect() expect_equal(df$date1, as.Date("2020-01-01")) expect_s3_class(df$date2, "Date") } for (dbtype in dbToTest) { test_that(glue::glue("{dbtype} - date functions"), { if (!(dbtype %in% ciTestDbs)) skip_on_ci() if (dbtype != "duckdb") skip_on_cran() else skip_if_not_installed("duckdb") cdm_schema <- get_cdm_schema(dbtype) write_schema <- get_write_schema(dbtype) skip_if(any(cdm_schema == "", write_schema == "")) con <- get_connection(dbtype) skip_if(is.null(con)) test_as.Date(con, cdm_schema, write_schema) disconnect(con) }) }