# # test_that("drop table works in opposition to insert table", { # # con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(dbdir = eunomiaDir())) # # write_prefix <- 'study01_' # write_schema <- c(schema = "main", prefix = write_prefix) # # # debugonce(cdm_from_con) # cdm <- cdm_from_con(con = con, # cdm_schema = "main", # write_schema = write_schema, # cdm_name = "my_duckdb_database") # # dropTable(cdm, dplyr::everything()) # should not be needed. # # listTables(con, schema = write_schema) # # name <- paste0(c(sample(letters, 5, replace = TRUE), "_test_table"), collapse = "") # table <- dplyr::arrange(datasets::cars, dplyr::across(c("speed","dist"))) # cdm <- insertTable(cdm = cdm, name = name, table = table) # # listTables(con, schema = write_schema) # # expect_true(name %in% names(cdm)) # # cdm[[name]] <- NULL # # debugonce(dropTable) # # attributes(cdm) # src <- attr(cdm, "cdm_source") # # sloop::s3_dispatch( dropTable(cdm, name = name)) # # dropTable(cdm, name = name) # # listTables(con, schema = write_schema) # # DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = T) # # # }) # # # # test_that("dropping all tables with write_prefix works as exepected", { # # con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(dbdir = eunomiaDir())) # # write_prefix <- 'study01_' # write_schema <- c(schema = "main", prefix = write_prefix) # # # debugonce(cdm_from_con) # cdm <- cdm_from_con(con = con, # cdm_schema = "main", # write_schema = write_schema, # cdm_name = "my_duckdb_database") # # list_tables(con, write_schema) # expect_true(length(list_tables(con, write_schema)) == 0) # # cdm <- generate_concept_cohort_set(cdm = cdm, concept_set = list("a" = 4112343), name = "my_new_table_1") # cdm <- generate_concept_cohort_set(cdm = cdm, concept_set = list("b" = 28060), name = "my_new_table_2") # # # use write schema instead of "main". # # The prefix is hidden becuase it is treated as part of the schema. # # When we ask for tables in the "write_schema" we only get tables that begin with the prefix # expect_true(length(list_tables(con, write_schema)) > 0) # # expect_no_error( # dropTable(cdm, dplyr::starts_with(write_prefix)) # ) # # expect_true(length(listTables(con, write_schema)) == 0) # # DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = T) # }) # # #