test_temp_tables <- function(dbtype) { # create a temp table with dbWriteTable con <- get_connection(dbtype) if (dbtype == "snowflake") { # temp tables don't seem to work on snowflake with dbWriteTable DBI::dbExecute(con, glue::glue("USE SCHEMA {paste(get_write_schema(dbtype), collapse = '.')};")) DBI::dbExecute(con, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "mytemptable" (id NUMBER, creation_date DATE);') expect_true("mytemptable" %in% list_tables(con, get_write_schema(dbtype))) disconnect(con) con <- get_connection(dbtype) expect_true("mytemptable" %in% list_tables(con, get_write_schema(dbtype))) return(NULL) } DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "temp_cars", value = cars[1,], temporary = TRUE) expect_true("temp_cars" %in% list_tables(con)) expect_error( DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "temp_cars", value = cars[1,], temporary = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE) ) expect_no_error( DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "temp_cars", value = cars[1,], temporary = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE) ) df <- dplyr::tbl(con, "temp_cars") %>% dplyr::collect() expect_true(nrow(df) == 1) disconnect(con) # disconnecting removes temp tables con <- get_connection(dbtype) expect_false("temp_cars" %in% list_tables(con)) disconnect(con) } for (dbtype in dbToTest) { test_that(glue::glue("{dbtype} - temp_tables"), { if (!(dbtype %in% ciTestDbs)) skip_on_ci() if (dbtype != "duckdb") skip_on_cran() if (dbtype %in% c("sqlserver", "snowflake", "bigquery")) skip("failing test") skip_if(get_write_schema(dbtype) == "") con <- get_connection(dbtype) test_temp_tables(dbtype) }) }