R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-08 r87545 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(CAST) > > test_check("CAST") Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: lattice note: variables were not weighted either because no weights or model were given, no variable importance could be retrieved from the given model, or the model has a single feature. Check caret::varImp(model) note: No model and no CV folds were given. The DI threshold is therefore based on all training data note: variables were not weighted either because no weights or model were given, no variable importance could be retrieved from the given model, or the model has a single feature. Check caret::varImp(model) note: No model and no CV folds were given. The DI threshold is therefore based on all training data [1] "model using Sepal.Length,Sepal.Width will be trained now..." note: only 1 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 1 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 8" [1] "model using Sepal.Length,Petal.Length will be trained now..." note: only 1 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 1 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 7" [1] "model using Sepal.Length,Petal.Width will be trained now..." note: only 1 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 1 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 6" [1] "model using Sepal.Width,Petal.Length will be trained now..." note: only 1 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 1 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 5" [1] "model using Sepal.Width,Petal.Width will be trained now..." note: only 1 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 1 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 4" [1] "model using Petal.Length,Petal.Width will be trained now..." note: only 1 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 1 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 3" [1] "vars selected: Petal.Length,Petal.Width with Accuracy 0.953" [1] "model using additional variable Sepal.Length will be trained now..." note: only 2 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 2 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 2" [1] "model using additional variable Sepal.Width will be trained now..." note: only 2 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 2 . [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 1" [1] "vars selected: Petal.Length,Petal.Width,Sepal.Width with Accuracy 0.954" [1] "model using additional variable Sepal.Length will be trained now..." [1] "maximum number of models that still need to be trained: 0" [1] "vars selected: Petal.Length,Petal.Width,Sepal.Width with Accuracy 0.954" Spherical geometry (s2) switched off Spherical geometry (s2) switched on Spherical geometry (s2) switched off Spherical geometry (s2) switched on features are extracted from the modeldomain samplesize for new data shouldn't be larger than number of pixels. Samplesize was reduced to 100 Spherical geometry (s2) switched off Spherical geometry (s2) switched on features are extracted from the modeldomain samplesize for new data shouldn't be larger than number of pixels. Samplesize was reduced to 100 Spherical geometry (s2) switched off features are extracted from the modeldomain samplesize for new data shouldn't be larger than number of pixels. Samplesize was reduced to 100 Spherical geometry (s2) switched on features are extracted from the modeldomain samplesize for new data shouldn't be larger than number of pixels. Samplesize was reduced to 100 Spherical geometry (s2) switched off variable(s) 'fct' is (are) treated as categorical variables time variable that has been selected: Date time variable that has been selected: Date time variable that has been selected: Date note: only 2 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 2 . note: only 2 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 2 . Spherical geometry (s2) switched on although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_sample assumes that they are planar although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_sample assumes that they are planar 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain Gij <= Gj; a random CV assignment is returned 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain Gij <= Gj; a random CV assignment is returned 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain predictor values are extracted for prediction points Gij <= Gj; a random CV assignment is returned 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain predictor values are extracted for prediction points Gij <= Gj; a random CV assignment is returned 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_sample assumes that they are planar predictor values are extracted for prediction points variable(s) 'fct' is (are) treated as categorical variables some prediction points contain NAs, which will be removed Gij <= Gj; a random CV assignment is returned 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain predictor values are extracted for prediction points variable(s) 'fct' is (are) treated as categorical variables 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain predictor values are extracted for prediction points variable(s) 'fct' is (are) treated as categorical variables 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_sample assumes that they are planar predictor values are extracted for prediction points 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain predictor values are extracted for prediction points 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain predictor values are extracted for prediction points 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain 1000 prediction points are sampled from the modeldomain [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 10 | PASS 113 ] ══ Skipped tests (10) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (10): 'test-errorProfiles.R:3:3', 'test-errorProfiles.R:36:3', 'test-errorProfiles.R:67:3', 'test-fss.R:3:3', 'test-fss.R:27:3', 'test-fss.R:47:3', 'test-fss.R:70:3', 'test-fss.R:120:5', 'test-fss.R:135:5', 'test-fss.R:152:5' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 10 | PASS 113 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 80.89 8.18 89.85