### Iris linear regression tests test_that("linear regression works", { library(BranchGLM) Data <- iris ## Linear regression tests ### Fitting model LinearFit <- BranchGLM(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity") ### Checking that number of iterations for linear regression is 1 expect_equal(LinearFit$iterations, 1) ### Branch and bound with linear regression LinearVS <- VariableSelection(LinearFit, type = "branch and bound") LinearVS2 <- VariableSelection(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity", type = "branch and bound", parallel = TRUE, nthreads = 1) expect_equal(fit(summary(LinearVS))$coefficients, fit(summary(LinearVS2))$coefficients) ### Forward selection with linear regression LinearForward <- VariableSelection(LinearFit, type = "forward") LinearForward2 <- VariableSelection(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity", type = "forward", parallel = TRUE, nthreads = 1) expect_equal(fit(summary(LinearForward))$coefficients, fit(summary(LinearForward2))$coefficients) ### Backward elimination with linear regression LinearBackward <- VariableSelection(LinearFit, type = "backward") LinearBackward2 <- VariableSelection(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity", type = "backward", parallel = TRUE, nthreads = 1) expect_equal(fit(summary(LinearBackward))$coefficients, fit(summary(LinearBackward2))$coefficient) ### Predict should work even if not all levels are available in newdata #### Checking for object obtained via BranchGLM function newdata <- Data[1,] newdata$Species <- as.factor(as.character(newdata$Species)) expect_equal(predict(LinearFit, newdata = newdata), predict(LinearFit, newdata = Data[1,])) #### Checking for object from VariableSelection function expect_equal(predict(fit(summary(LinearVS)), newdata = newdata), predict(fit(summary(LinearVS)), newdata = Data[1,])) }) ### Toothgrowth regression tests test_that("binomial regression and stuff works", { library(BranchGLM) Data <- ToothGrowth ## Linear regression tests ### Fitting model with BranchGLM LogitFit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit") ### Fitting model with BranchGLM.fit x <- model.matrix(supp ~ ., data = Data) y <- Data$supp LogitFit2 <- BranchGLM.fit(x, as.numeric(y) - 1, family = "binomial", link = "logit") ### Checking that both approaches give same results LogitFitCoef <- LogitFit$coefficients row.names(LogitFitCoef) <- NULL expect_equal(LogitFitCoef, LogitFit2$coefficients) ### Branch and bound variable selection with logistic regression ### Checking that each branch and method gives same results LogitVS <- VariableSelection(LogitFit, type = "branch and bound") LogitVS2 <- VariableSelection(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit", type = "backward branch and bound", parallel = TRUE) expect_equal(fit(summary(LogitVS))$coefficients, fit(summary(LogitVS2))$coefficients) LogitVS3<- VariableSelection(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit", type = "switch branch and bound", parallel = TRUE) expect_equal(fit(summary(LogitVS))$coefficients, fit(summary(LogitVS3))$coefficients) ### Forward variable selection with logistic regression LogitVS <- VariableSelection(LogitFit, type = "forward") LogitVS2 <- VariableSelection(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit", type = "forward", parallel = TRUE, nthreads = 1) expect_equal(fit(summary(LogitVS))$coefficients, fit(summary(LogitVS2))$coefficients) ### Backward variable selection with logistic regression LogitVS <- VariableSelection(LogitFit, type = "backward", metric = "BIC") LogitVS2 <- VariableSelection(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit", type = "backward", metric = "BIC", parallel = TRUE, nthreads = 1) expect_equal(fit(summary(LogitVS))$coefficients, fit(summary(LogitVS2))$coefficients) # Checking binomial utility functions ## Table ### BranchGLM LogitTable <- Table(LogitFit) expect_equal(LogitTable$table, matrix(c(17, 7, 13, 23), ncol = 2)) ### Numeric preds preds <- predict(LogitFit) #### With factor y expect_error(Table(preds, Data$supp), NA) #### with numeric y expect_error(Table(preds, as.numeric(Data$supp) - 1), NA) #### with boolean y expect_error(Table(preds, Data$supp == "VC"), NA) ### ROC #### BranchGLM and factor y LogitROC <- ROC(LogitFit) LogitROC2 <- ROC(preds, Data$supp) expect_equal(LogitROC$Info, LogitROC2$Info) #### numeric y and boolean y expect_equal(ROC(preds, as.numeric(Data$supp) - 1)$Info, ROC(preds, Data$supp == "VC")$Info) ### AUC #### BranchGLM expect_equal(AUC(LogitFit), 0.71277778) #### BranchGLMROC expect_error(AUC(LogitROC), NA) #### factor y expect_equal(AUC(preds, Data$supp), 0.71277778) #### numeric y expect_equal(AUC(preds, as.numeric(Data$supp) - 1), 0.71277778) #### boolean y expect_equal(AUC(preds, Data$supp == "VC"), 0.71277778) }) ### Testing for fisher info errors test_that("non-invertible info works", { library(BranchGLM) set.seed(199861) x <- sapply(1:25, rnorm, n = 10, simplify = TRUE) x <- cbind(1, x) beta <- rnorm(26) y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(10) Data <- cbind(y, x) |> as.data.frame() ## Testing functions with non-invertible fisher info ### Testing BranchGLM expect_error(BranchGLM(V1 ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity") |> suppressWarnings()) expect_error(BranchGLM(V1 ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity", parallel = TRUE, nthreads = 1) |> suppressWarnings()) ### Testing backward selection expect_error(VariableSelection(V1 ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity", type = "backward") |> suppressWarnings()) ### Testing forward selection for no error expect_error(VariableSelection(V1 ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity", type = "forward") |> suppressWarnings(), NA) }) ### Testing poisson regression test_that("poisson regression works", { library(BranchGLM) set.seed(199861) x <- sapply(rep(0, 25), rnorm, n = 1000, simplify = TRUE) x <- cbind(1, x) beta <- rnorm(26, sd = .5) beta[4:26] <- 0 y <- rpois(n = 1000, lambda = exp(x %*% beta)) Data <- cbind(y, x[,-1]) |> as.data.frame() ## Fitting poisson regression expect_equal(BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = TRUE)$coefficients, BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log")$coefficients, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^(.25)) ## Checking variable selection ### branch and bound expect_equal(fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = TRUE, type = "branch and bound")))$coefficients, fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = FALSE, type = "branch and bound")))$coefficients) ### forward selection expect_equal(fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = TRUE, type = "forward")))$coefficients, fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = FALSE, type = "forward")))$coefficients) ### backward selection expect_equal(fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = TRUE, type = "backward")))$coefficients, fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = FALSE, type = "backward")))$coefficients) ### Checking offset predictions MyBranch <- BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", offset = rep(1, nrow(Data))) expect_error(predict(MyBranch, newdata = Data), NA) expect_error(predict(MyBranch, newdata = Data, type = "linpreds"), NA) ### Checking offset predictions MyBranch <- fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "poisson", link = "log", parallel = TRUE, type = "forward", offset = rep(1, nrow(Data))))) expect_error(predict(MyBranch, newdata = Data), NA) expect_error(predict(MyBranch, newdata = Data, type = "linpreds"), NA) }) ### Testing gamma regression test_that("gamma regression works", { library(BranchGLM) set.seed(862) x <- sapply(rep(0, 15), rnorm, n = 1000, simplify = TRUE) x <- cbind(1, x) beta <- rnorm(16) y <- rgamma(n = 1000, shape = 10, rate = exp(x %*% beta)) Data <- cbind(y, x[,-1]) |> as.data.frame() ## Finding gamma regression expect_equal(BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log")$dispersion, 0.097535718) ### forward selection should now work expect_error(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", type = "forward", method = "Fisher"), NA) ### backward selection expect_equal(fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", parallel = TRUE, type = "backward")))$coefficients, fit(summary(VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", parallel = FALSE, type = "backward")))$coefficients) }) ### Testing variable selection with interactions test_that("Interactions work", { library(BranchGLM) set.seed(8621) x <- sapply(rep(0, 5), rnorm, n = 1000, simplify = TRUE) x <- cbind(1, x) beta <- rnorm(6) y <- rgamma(n = 1000, shape = 10, rate = exp(x %*% beta)) Data <- cbind(y, x[,-1]) |> as.data.frame() ### forward selection expect_error(VariableSelection(y ~ .*., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", type = "forward", method = "Fisher"), NA) ### backward selection expect_error(VariableSelection(y ~ .*., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", type = "backward", method = "Fisher"), NA) ### branch and bound selection expect_error(VariableSelection(y ~ .*., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", type = "branch and bound", method = "Fisher"), NA) ### backward branch and bound selection expect_error(VariableSelection(y ~ .*., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", type = "backward branch and bound", method = "Fisher"), NA) ### switch branch and bound selection expect_error(VariableSelection(y ~ .*., data = Data, family = "gamma", link = "log", type = "switch branch and bound", method = "Fisher"), NA) })