requireNamespace("xml2") requireNamespace("dplyr") # Load in a test dataset bees3sp <- BeeBDC::bees3sp interactiveMapR( # occurrence data — start with entire dataset, filter down to these species data = bees3sp, # Directory where to save files outPath = paste0(tempdir(), "/interactiveMaps"), # lat long columns lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", # Occurrence dataset column with species names speciesColumn = "scientificName", # Which species to map — a character vector of names or "ALL" # Note: "ALL" is defined AFTER filtering for country speciesList = "ALL", countryList = NULL, # studyArea # Point jitter to see stacked points — jitters an amount in decimal degrees jitterValue = 0.01, # If TRUE, it will only map the .summary column. Otherwise, it will map .summary # which will be over-written by countryOutliers and manualOutliers onlySummary = FALSE, TrueAlwaysTop = TRUE, # TRUE, FALSE, countryOutlier, customOutlier pointColours = c("blue", "darkred","#ff7f00", "black") ) # Check directory that the plot was saved testthat::test_that("interactiveMapR plot saved?", { testthat::expect_true(any(stringr::str_detect(list.files(tempdir()), "interactiveMaps"))) }) # Check directory that the plot was saved testthat::test_that("interactiveMapR plot saved?", { testthat::expect_equal(length(list.files(paste0(tempdir(), "/interactiveMaps"))), 3) }) # Find the .html files that were made directories <- list.files(paste0(tempdir(), "/interactiveMaps"), full.names = TRUE) # Read in the html files for each species A_tyleri <- xml2::read_html(directories[stringr::str_detect(directories, "tyleri")]) C_rhodopus <- xml2::read_html(directories[stringr::str_detect(directories, "rhodopus")]) P_octomaculata <- xml2::read_html(directories[stringr::str_detect(directories, "octomaculata")]) # Check directory that the plot was saved testthat::test_that("interactiveMapR detect Agapostemon tyleri Cockerell, 1917", { testthat::expect_true(stringr::str_detect(A_tyleri %>% as.character(), "Agapostemon tyleri Cockerell, 1917")) }) testthat::test_that("interactiveMapR detect Centris rhodopus Cockerell, 1897", { testthat::expect_true(stringr::str_detect(C_rhodopus %>% as.character(), "Centris rhodopus Cockerell, 1897")) }) testthat::test_that("interactiveMapR detect Perdita octomaculata (Say, 1824)", { testthat::expect_true(stringr::str_detect(P_octomaculata %>% as.character(), "Perdita octomaculata \\(Say, 1824\\)")) }) # Test class testthat::test_that("interactiveMapR expected class", { testthat::expect_equal(attributes(A_tyleri)$class, c("xml_document", "xml_node" )) })