set.seed(1) # Number of items n_items <- 15 # Set the consensus ranking rho0 <- seq(from = 1, to = n_items, by = 1) # Set the scale alpha0 <- 10 test_that("sample_mallows works with all distances", { for (m in c("footrule", "spearman", "cayley", "hamming", "kendall", "ulam")) { print(m) samples <- sample_mallows( rho0 = rho0, alpha0 = alpha0, n_samples = 200, burnin = 1000, thinning = 100, metric = m, leap_size = 1 ) expect_true(mean(samples[, 1]) < mean(samples[, n_items])) expect_true(inherits(samples, "matrix")) f <- file() write("\n", f) options("ask_opts.con" = f) pdf(NULL) expect_output( sample_mallows( rho0 = rho0, alpha0 = alpha0, n_samples = 1000, metric = m, diagnostic = TRUE, items_to_plot = 1:4 ), "to see the next plot" ) close(f) } }) test_that( "sample_mallows handles wrong input correctly", { expect_error(sample_mallows(rho0 = c(1, 1, 2), alpha0 = 1, n_samples = 1)) expect_error(sample_mallows(rho0 = c(1, 2, NA_real_), alpha0 = 1, n_samples = 1)) expect_error(sample_mallows(rho0 = c(1, 2), alpha0 = 1, n_samples = 1, diagnostic = TRUE)) expect_error(sample_mallows(rho0 = c(1, 2), alpha0 = 1, n_samples = -2)) } )