test_that("heat_plot works", { set.seed(1) model_fit <- compute_mallows( setup_rank_data(potato_visual), compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 2) ) expect_s3_class(heat_plot(model_fit, burnin = 0, type = "MAP"), "ggplot") set.seed(1) model_fit <- compute_mallows( setup_rank_data(potato_visual), compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 20) ) expect_error(heat_plot(model_fit), "Please specify the burnin.") expect_error(heat_plot(model_fit, burnin = 300), "burnin must be <= nmc") expect_s3_class(heat_plot(model_fit, burnin = 1), "ggplot") model_fit$burnin <- 1 expect_s3_class(heat_plot(model_fit, type = "MAP"), "ggplot") model_fit <- compute_mallows( setup_rank_data(cluster_data), model_options = set_model_options(n_clusters = 3), compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 20, burnin = 10) ) expect_error( heat_plot(model_fit), "heat_plot only works for a single cluster" ) })