context("Testing print.BayesMallows and print.BayesMallowsMixtures") test_that("print.BayesMallows fails when it should", { class(mtcars) <- "BayesMallows" expect_error(print(mtcars)) m <- compute_mallows(potato_visual, nmc = 5) m$n_items <- NULL expect_error(print(m), "BayesMallows object must have elements n_items and n_assessors.") m$n_assessors <- NULL expect_error( print(m), "BayesMallows object must have elements n_items and n_assessors." ) }) test_that("print.BayesMallowsMixtures fails when it should", { class(mtcars) <- "BayesMallowsMixtures" expect_error(print(mtcars), regexp = "All elements of a BayesMallowsMixtures object must be of class BayesMallows." ) m <- compute_mallows_mixtures(potato_visual, n_clusters = 1:3, nmc = 5) class(m[[1]]) <- "list" expect_error(print(m), regexp = "All elements of a BayesMallowsMixtures object must be of class BayesMallows." ) m <- compute_mallows_mixtures(potato_visual, n_clusters = 1:3, nmc = 5) expect_output( print(m), "Collection of 3 Bayesian Mallows Mixture Models with the following number of mixture components:" ) })