test_that("readGedcom reads and parses a GEDCOM file correctly", { # Create a temporary GEDCOM file for testing gedcom_content <- c( "0 HEAD", "1 GEDC", "2 VERS 5.5", "2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED", "1 CHAR UTF-8", "1 LANG English", "0 @I1@ INDI", "1 NAME John /Doe/", "1 SEX M", "1 BIRT", "2 DATE 1 JAN 1900", "2 PLAC Someplace", "0 @I2@ INDI", "1 NAME Jane /Smith/", "1 SEX F", "1 BIRT", "2 DATE 2 FEB 1910", "2 PLAC Anotherplace" ) temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".ged") writeLines(gedcom_content, temp_file) # Call readGedcom df <- readGedcom(temp_file, verbose = TRUE, skinny = FALSE) # note to self, the code is not reading in the 2nd person. and is also not reading in the birth date and place # Check that the data frame has the expected structure expect_true("id" %in% colnames(df)) expect_true("name_given" %in% colnames(df)) expect_true("name_surn" %in% colnames(df)) expect_true("sex" %in% colnames(df)) expect_true("birth_date" %in% colnames(df)) expect_true("birth_place" %in% colnames(df)) # Check the contents of the data frame expect_equal(nrow(df), 2) expect_equal(df$name_given[1], "John") expect_equal(df$name_surn[1], "Doe") expect_equal(df$sex[1], "M") expect_equal(df$birth_date[1], "1 JAN 1900") expect_equal(df$birth_place[1], "Someplace") expect_equal(df$name_given[2], "Jane") expect_equal(df$name_surn[2], "Smith") expect_equal(df$sex[2], "F") expect_equal(df$birth_date[2], "2 FEB 1910") expect_equal(df$birth_place[2], "Anotherplace") # Clean up temporary file unlink(temp_file) }) test_that("readGedcom combines duplicate columns correctly", { # Create a temporary GEDCOM file for testing gedcom_content <- c( "0 @I1@ INDI", "1 NAME John /Doe/", "1 GIVN John", "1 SEX M", "0 @I2@ INDI", "1 NAME Jane /Smith/", "1 GIVN Jane", "1 SEX F" ) temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".ged") writeLines(gedcom_content, temp_file) # Call readGedcom with combine_cols = TRUE df <- readGedcom(temp_file, verbose = TRUE, combine_cols = TRUE) # Check that the data frame has the expected structure expect_true("name_given" %in% colnames(df)) expect_false("name_given_pieces" %in% colnames(df)) # Check the contents of the data frame expect_equal(nrow(df), 2) expect_equal(df$name_given[1], "John") expect_equal(df$name_given[2], "Jane") # Clean up temporary file unlink(temp_file) }) test_that("readGedcom removes empty columns correctly", { # Create a temporary GEDCOM file for testing gedcom_content <- c( "0 @I1@ INDI", "1 NAME John /Doe/", "1 SEX M" ) temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".ged") writeLines(gedcom_content, temp_file) # Call readGedcom with remove_empty_cols = TRUE df <- readGedcom(temp_file, verbose = TRUE, remove_empty_cols = TRUE) # Check that empty columns are removed expect_false("birth_date" %in% colnames(df)) expect_false("birth_place" %in% colnames(df)) # Clean up temporary file unlink(temp_file) }) test_that("readGedcom handles skinny option correctly", { # Create a temporary GEDCOM file for testing gedcom_content <- c( "0 @I1@ INDI", "1 NAME John /Doe/", "1 SEX M", "1 FAMC @F1@", "1 FAMS @F2@" ) temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".ged") writeLines(gedcom_content, temp_file) # Call readGedcom with skinny = TRUE df <- readGedcom(temp_file, verbose = TRUE, skinny = TRUE) # Check that FAMC and FAMS columns are removed expect_false("FAMC" %in% colnames(df)) expect_false("FAMS" %in% colnames(df)) # Clean up temporary file unlink(temp_file) }) test_that("processParents adds momID and dadID correctly", { # Create a data frame for testing df_temp <- data.frame( id = c("I1", "I2", "I3"), sex = c("M", "F", "M"), FAMS = c("@F1@", "@F1@", NA), FAMC = c(NA, NA, "@F1@"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # Call processParents df_temp <- processParents(df_temp) # Check the structure of the data frame expect_true("momID" %in% colnames(df_temp)) expect_true("dadID" %in% colnames(df_temp)) # Check the contents of the data frame expect_equal(df_temp$momID[1], NA_character_) expect_equal(df_temp$dadID[1], NA_character_) expect_equal(df_temp$momID[2], NA_character_) expect_equal(df_temp$dadID[2], NA_character_) expect_equal(df_temp$momID[3], "I2") expect_equal(df_temp$dadID[3], "I1") # Create a more complex data frame for testing df_temp <- data.frame( id = c("I1", "I2", "I3", "I4", "I5"), sex = c("M", "F", "M", "F", "M"), FAMS = c("@F1@", "@F1@", "@F2@", "@F2@", "@F3@"), FAMC = c(NA, NA, "@F1@", "@F1@", "@F2@"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # Call processParents df_temp <- processParents(df_temp) # Check the contents of the data frame expect_equal(df_temp$momID[3], "I2") expect_equal(df_temp$dadID[3], "I1") expect_equal(df_temp$momID[4], "I2") expect_equal(df_temp$dadID[4], "I1") expect_equal(df_temp$momID[5], "I4") expect_equal(df_temp$dadID[5], "I3") }) test_that("if file does not exist, readGedcom throws an error", { # Call readGedcom with a non-existent file expect_error(readGedcom("nonexistent.ged")) })