#Test glm class object counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12) outcome <- gl(3,1,9) treatment <- gl(3,3) glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ treatment, family = poisson()) set.seed(432) BF1 <- BF(x=glm.D93, hypothesis = "treatment2 = 0; treatment2 < 0",prior.hyp.explo=c(1,1,1)) #check if confirmatory and exploratory test are the same for Gaussian estimator test_that("BF.glm two hypotheses correctly evaluated", { expect_true( all.equal(unname(BF1$PHP_exploratory[2,]), unname(BF1$PHP_confirmatory), tolerance = .005) )}) BF1.log <- BF(x=glm.D93, hypothesis = "treatment2 = 0; treatment2 < 0", log = TRUE) #check if confirmatory and exploratory test are the same for Gaussian estimator test_that("BF.glm two hypotheses correctly evaluated", { expect_true( all.equal(BF1$BFmatrix_confirmatory, exp(BF1.log$BFmatrix_confirmatory), tolerance = .005) )})