context("bas.lm") test_that("initprobs out of range", { data(Hald) bas_hald1 <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", method="BAS", initprobs = c(-.4, .3, 1.5, .8)) bas_hald2 <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs = c(1, -.4, .3, 1.0, .8)) bas_hald3 <- bas.lm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, include.always=~1 + X3, initprobs = c(1, -.4, .3, 1.0, .8), data=Hald, prior="BIC") expect_equal(bas_hald1$probne0, bas_hald2$probne0) expect_equal(bas_hald2$probne0, bas_hald3$probne0) bas_hald1 <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", method="MCMC+BAS", initprobs = c(-.4, .3, 1.5, .8)) bas_hald3 <- bas.lm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, method="MCMC+BAS", include.always=~1 + X3, initprobs = c(1, -.4, .3, 1.0, .8), data=Hald, prior="BIC") expect_equal(bas_hald1$probne0, bas_hald2$probne0) expect_equal(bas_hald2$probne0, bas_hald3$probne0) bas_hald1 <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", method="deterministic", initprobs = c(-.4, .3, 1.5, .8)) bas_hald3 <- bas.lm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, method="deterministic", include.always=~1 + X3, initprobs = c(1, -.4, .3, 1.0, .8), data=Hald, prior="BIC") expect_equal(bas_hald1$probne0, bas_hald2$probne0) expect_equal(bas_hald2$probne0, bas_hald3$probne0) }) test_that("shrinkage is less than or equal to 1", { data(Hald) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "ZS-null", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "EB-local", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "EB-global", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "hyper-g", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "hyper-g-n", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "hyper-g-laplace", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "g-prior", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "AIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "ZS-full", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) }) test_that("shrinkage is less than or equal to 1", { data(Hald) hald_bas = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior="JZS", modelprior=uniform(), data=Hald) expect_equal(0, sum(hald_bas$shrinkage > 1)) # GitHub issue # 27 }) test_that("A/BIC: shrinkage is equal to 1", { data(Hald) hald_BIC <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(hald_BIC$n.model, sum(hald_BIC$shrinkage == 1)) hald_AIC <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "AIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(hald_AIC$n.model, sum(hald_AIC$shrinkage == 1)) }) test_that("prior not implemented", { data(Hald) expect_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "garbage", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald )) }) test_that("inits wrong length", { data(Hald) expect_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", initprobs = c(1, rep(.4, 8)), modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald )) }) test_that("bernoulli prob wrong length", { data(Hald) expect_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = Bernoulli(probs=rep(.5, 8)), data = Hald )) }) test_that("deterministic, BAS and MCMC+BAS", { data(Hald) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald ) hald_MCMCbas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", n.models=2^4, MCMC.iterations = 1000, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) #MCMC.iterations = 1000) hald_deterministic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "deterministic", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald ) expect_equal(hald_bas$probne0, hald_deterministic$probne0) expect_equal(hald_bas$probne0, hald_MCMCbas$probne0) }) test_that("pivot", { data(Hald) hald_bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald, pivot=FALSE ) hald_deterministic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "deterministic", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald, pivot = TRUE ) expect_equal(hald_bas$probne0, hald_deterministic$probne0) }) test_that("pivoting with non-full rank design", { set.seed(42) dat <- data.frame(Y = rnorm(5), X1 = 1:5, X2 = 1:5, X3 = rnorm(5)) tmp.bas <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data = dat, prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), method = "BAS", pivot = T) tmp.mcmc <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data = dat, prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), method = "MCMC", pivot = T, MCMC.iterations = 10000) expect_equal(sort(tmp.bas$R2), sort(tmp.mcmc$R2)) }) test_that("prediction versus fitted", { data(Hald) hald_ZS <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "ZS-null", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald ) expect_equal( as.vector(fitted(hald_ZS, estimator = "BMA")), predict(hald_ZS, estimator = "BMA", = TRUE)$fit ) expect_equal( as.vector(fitted(hald_ZS, estimator = "HPM")), as.vector(predict(hald_ZS, estimator = "HPM", = TRUE)$fit) ) expect_equal( as.vector(fitted(hald_ZS, estimator = "BPM")), as.vector(predict(hald_ZS, estimator = "BPM", = TRUE)$fit) ) expect_equal( as.vector(fitted(hald_ZS, estimator = "MPM")), as.vector(predict(hald_ZS, estimator = "MPM", = TRUE)$fit) ) }) test_that("methods", { data(Hald) set.seed(42) expect_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "hyperg/n", modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald )) }) # issue "Error in bas.lm: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors" #5 test_that("model prior string", { data(Hald) expect_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = "uniform", data = Hald) ) }) test_that("big model space", { data("protein") expect_error(bas.lm(prot.act1 ~ (buf + pH + NaCl + con + ra + det + MgCl2 + temp)^2, data = protein, n.models = 2^26, method = "BAS", force.heredity = FALSE)) }) test_that("force.heredity", { # based on bug #26 skip_on_os("solaris") loc <- system.file("testdata", package = "BAS") d <- read.csv(paste(loc, "JASP-testdata.csv", sep = "/")) simpleFormula <- as.formula("contNormal ~ contGamma + contcor1 + contGamma * contcor1 ") set.seed(1) basObj <- bas.lm(simpleFormula, data = d, alpha = 0.125316, prior = "JZS", include.always = as.formula("contNormal ~ contcor1"), modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), weights = d$facFifty, force.heredity = TRUE ) set.seed(1) basObj.old <- bas.lm(simpleFormula, data = d, alpha = 0.125316, prior = "JZS", method="deterministic", include.always = as.formula("contNormal ~ contcor1"), modelprior = beta.binomial(1,1), weights = d$facFifty, force.heredity = FALSE ) basObj.old <- force.heredity.bas(basObj.old) expect_equal(basObj$probne0, basObj.old$probne0) }) test_that("interactions & heredity", { skip_on_os("solaris") data(Hald) bas_hald <- bas.lm(Y ~ .^2, data=Hald, method="MCMC", force.heredity = TRUE) expect_equal(sum(bas_hald$postprobs >0), bas_hald$n.models) bas_hald <- bas.lm(Y ~ .^2, data=Hald, method="MCMC", MCMC.iterations = 10000, force.heredity = FALSE) bas_hald <- force.heredity.bas(bas_hald) expect_equal(sum(bas_hald$postprobs >0), bas_hald$n.models) set.seed(42) bas_hald <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, method="MCMC", MCMC.iterations = 100, force.heredity = TRUE) set.seed(42) bas_hald_no <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, method="MCMC", MCMC.iterations = 100, force.heredity = FALSE) expect_equal(bas_hald$probne0, bas_hald_no$probne0) }) # test_that("sample size zero", { data(Hald) expect_error(bas_hald <- bas.lm(Y ~ .^2, data=Hald[0,], method="MCMC", force.heredity = FALSE)) }) # test_that("heredity and bas.lm", { skip_on_os("solaris") set.seed(2) data(, package="MASS") pima_BAS <- bas.lm(as.numeric(type) ~ (bp + glu + npreg)^2, data =, method = "BAS", prior = "BIC", update = NULL, modelprior = uniform(), force.heredity = TRUE) pima_BAS_no <- bas.lm(as.numeric(type) ~ (bp + glu + npreg)^2, data =, method = "deterministic", prior = "BIC", update = NULL, modelprior = uniform(), force.heredity = FALSE) pima_BAS_no <- force.heredity.bas(pima_BAS_no) expect_equal(0L, sum(duplicated(pima_BAS$which))) sum(duplicated(pima_BAS$which)) cbind(pima_BAS$probne0, pima_BAS_no$probne0) c(pima_BAS$n.models, pima_BAS_no$n.models) expect_equal(pima_BAS$probne0, pima_BAS_no$probne0) expect_equal(pima_BAS$n.models, pima_BAS_no$n.models) expect_equal(sort(pima_BAS$R2), sort(pima_BAS_no$R2)) expect_equal(sort(pima_BAS$R2), sort(pima_BAS_no$R2)) expect_equal(sort(pima_BAS$logmarg), sort(pima_BAS_no$logmarg)) expect_equal(sort(pima_BAS$postprobs), sort(pima_BAS_no$postprobs)) pima_BAS_mcmc = bas.lm(as.numeric(type) ~ (bp + glu + npreg)^2, data =, method = "MCMC", prior = "BIC", update = NULL, MCMC.iterations = 10000, modelprior = uniform(), force.heredity = TRUE) expect_equal(0L, sum(duplicated(pima_BAS_mcmc$which))) }) # # test_that("as.matrix tools", { data(Hald) hald_bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data = Hald, prior = "BIC", initprobs = "eplogp" ) m1 <- which.matrix(hald_bic$which, hald_bic$n.vars) colnames(m1) <- hald_bic$namesx m2 <- list2matrix.which(hald_bic) expect_equal(m1, m2) m3 <- list2matrix.bas(hald_bic, "which") > 0 m3[, 1] <- 1 probne0 <- t(m3) %*% hald_bic$postprobs expect_equal(as.vector(probne0), hald_bic$probne0) }) test_that("initialize with null model MCMC+BAS", { data(Hald) best = as.integer(c(1, rep(0, 4))) set.seed(42) hald.mcmc = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", MCMC.iterations = 1000, n.models=2^4, # bestmodel=best, # default is null modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) best = as.integer(c(1, rep(0, 4))) set.seed(42) hald.mcmcbest = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", MCMC.iterations = 1000, n.models=2^4, bestmodel=best, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) # should be equal and order expect_equal(hald.mcmcbest$postprob, hald.mcmc$postprob) }) # issue 69 test_that("MCMC+BAS equiv to BAS w/ = 0 and = 0", { data(Hald) # start with Full Model best = as.integer(rep(1, 5)) set.seed(42) hald.bas = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "BAS", burnin.iterations = 0, MCMC.iterations = 0, n.models=2^4, bestmodel=best, update=8, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) set.seed(42) hald.mcmcbas = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", burnin.iterations = 0, MCMC.iterations = 0, n.models=2^4, bestmodel=best, update=8, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(hald.bas$postprobs, hald.mcmcbas$postprobs) expect_equal(hald.bas$size, hald.mcmcbas$size) }) # issue #69 test_that("initialize with Full model MCMC and BAS", { data(Hald) best = rep(1, 5) expect_no_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", bestmodel = best, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald )) expect_no_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC", bestmodel=best, thin = 2, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald)) expect_no_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", bestmodel=best, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald)) }) # issue #69 test_that("initialize with Full model MCMC+BAS", { data(Hald) # start with Full Model best = as.integer(rep(1, 5)) nm = 6 it.mcmc = 10000 set.seed(42) hald.mcmc = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC", burnin.iterations = it.mcmc, MCMC.iterations = it.mcmc, n.models=nm, bestmodel=best, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) set.seed(42) # OK as it skips SWOR step (by chance) hald.mcmcbas = bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", burnin.iterations = it.mcmc, MCMC.iterations = it.mcmc, n.models=nm, bestmodel=best, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) expect_equal(hald.mcmcbas$freq, hald.mcmc$freq) expect_equal(hald.mcmcbas$R2, hald.mcmc$R2) expect_equal(hald.mcmcbas$logmarg, hald.mcmc$logmarg) set.seed(42) expect_no_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "BAS", n.models=2^4, bestmodel=best, update=8, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald)) set.seed(42) # issue #69 # skip("FIXME") expect_no_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", MCMC.iterations = 1000, n.models=2^4, bestmodel=best, update=8, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald) ) set.seed(42) # OK as it bypasses updating tree witn no MCMC same as BAS expect_no_error(bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", MCMC.iterations = 0, n.models=2^4, bestmodel=best, modelprior = uniform(), data = Hald)) }) test_that("MCMC with initial prior probabilities returning 0", { data(Hald) # start with Full Model best = as.integer(rep(1, 5)) it.mcmc = 100000 set.seed(42) expect_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC", MCMC.iterations = it.mcmc, n.models=2^4, bestmodel = best, modelprior = tr.poisson(lambda=4, tr=2), data = Hald) ) expect_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", MCMC.iterations = it.mcmc, n.models=2^4, bestmodel = best, modelprior = tr.poisson(lambda=4, tr=2), data = Hald) ) expect_no_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "BAS", n.models=2^4, bestmodel = best, modelprior = tr.poisson(lambda=4, tr=2), data = Hald) ) }) test_that("MCMC with prior probabilities returning 0", { data(Hald) # start with Full Model best = c(1,1,0,0,0) it.mcmc = 100000 set.seed(42) expect_no_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC", MCMC.iterations = it.mcmc, n.models=2^4, bestmodel = best, thin = 2, modelprior = tr.poisson(lambda=4, tr=2), data = Hald) ) expect_no_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "MCMC+BAS", MCMC.iterations = it.mcmc, n.models=2^4, bestmodel = best, thin=2, modelprior = tr.poisson(lambda=4, tr=2), data = Hald) ) expect_no_error( bas.lm(Y ~ ., prior = "BIC", method = "BAS", n.models=2^4, bestmodel = best, modelprior = tr.poisson(lambda=4, tr=2), data = Hald) ) })