set.seed(3) n <- 50 d1 <- .1 Wadj1 <- sna::rgraph(n, tprob=d1, mode="graph") W1 <- sna::make.stochastic(Wadj1, mode="row") d2 <- .3 Wadj2 <- sna::rgraph(n, tprob=d2, mode="graph") W2 <- sna::make.stochastic(Wadj2, mode="row") # set rho, beta, sigma2, and generate y rho1 <- 0 rho2 <- .4 K <- 3 beta <- rnorm(K) sigma2 <- 1 X <- matrix(c(rep(1, n), rnorm(n*(K-1))), nrow=n, ncol=K) y <- c(solve(diag(n) - rho1*W1 - rho2*W2)%*%(X%*%beta + rnorm(n))) #Bayesian estimation of NAM with a single weight matrix using a flat prior for rho best1 <- banam(y,X,W1,postdraws=1e3,burnin=1e1) test_that("Test correct estimated rho for a NAM with one weight matrix", { expect_equivalent( best1$rho.mean,0.171, tolerance = .03 )}) BF1a <- BF(x=best1,hypothesis="rho < .4",prior.hyp.explo = c(1,1,1)) test_that("Test correct exploratory PHPs for a NAM with one weight matrix", { expect_equivalent( BF1a$PHP_exploratory[1,],c(0.73,0.06,0.21), tolerance = .03 )}) test_that("Test correct one-sided PHPs for a NAM with one weight matrix", { expect_equivalent( BF1a$PHP_confirmatory[1],.775, tolerance = .05 )}) BF1b <- BF(x=best1,hypothesis="beta1 < beta2 < 0 ; beta1 = beta2 = 0") test_that("Test correct multiple test on beta's for a NAM with one weight matrix", { expect_equivalent( BF1b$PHP_confirmatory[1],.273, tolerance = .05 )}) #Bayesian estimation of NAM with two weight matrices using standard normal priors set.seed(123) best2 <- banam(y,X,W=list(W1,W2),prior.mean=c(0,0),prior.Sigma=.25*diag(2),postdraws=5e2,burnin=1e2) test_that("Test correct estimates for rho's for a NAM with two weight matrices", { expect_equivalent( best2$rho.mean,c(0.10,0.17), tolerance = .05 )}) BF2b <- BF(x=best2, hypothesis = "rho1 = 0; rho2 = 0; rho1=rho2=0; rho1>rho2>0; rho1=rho2<0",postdraws=5e2,burnin=1e2,prior.hyp.explo = c(1,1,1)) test_that("Test correct exploratory PHPs for a NAM with two weight matrices", { expect_equivalent( BF2b$PHP_exploratory[1:2,1],c(0.76,.76), tolerance = .05 )}) test_that("Test correct confirmatory PHPs for a NAM with two weight matrices", { expect_equivalent( BF2b$PHP_confirmatory[1:3],c(0.11,0.12,0.66), tolerance = .05 )}) BF2c <- BF(x=best2, hypothesis = "beta1 < beta2 = 0",postdraws=5e2,burnin=1e2) test_that("Test correct confirmatory PHPs for a NAM with two weight matrices", { expect_equivalent( BF2c$PHP_confirmatory,c(0.93,0.07), tolerance = .05 )})