context("translate") tbl_iris <- tibble::as_tibble(iris) names(tbl_iris) <- c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth", "Species") tbl_iris <- tbl_kusto_abstract(tbl_iris, "iris") tidyr_version <- as.character(packageVersion("tidyr")) is_new_tidyr <- compareVersion(tidyr_version, '0.8.3') == 1 test_that("params to a function can be used inside a mutate expressions", { tbl_iris_p <- tibble::as_tibble(iris) names(tbl_iris_p) <- c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth", "Species") tbl_iris_p <- tbl_kusto_abstract(tbl_iris, "iris", p="setosa") q <- tbl_iris_p %>% mutate(Species = p) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| extend ['Species'] = 'setosa'")) }) test_that("params to a function can be used inside a filter expressions", { tbl_iris_p <- tibble::as_tibble(iris) names(tbl_iris_p) <- c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth", "Species") tbl_iris_p <- tbl_kusto_abstract(tbl_iris_p, "iris", p="setosa") q <- filter(tbl_iris_p, Species == p) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| where ['Species'] == 'setosa'")) }) test_that("select is translated to project", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::select(Species, SepalLength) %>% show_query() expect_equal(q, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| project ['Species'], ['SepalLength']")) }) test_that("distinct is translated to distinct", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::distinct(Species, SepalLength) %>% show_query() expect_equal(q, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| distinct ['Species'], ['SepalLength']")) }) test_that("kql_infix formats correctly", { fn <- kql_infix("==") expr <- fn(translate_kql(foo), translate_kql(bar)) expect_equal(expr, kql("['foo'] == ['bar']")) }) test_that("kql_prefix formats correctly", { fn <- kql_prefix("sum") expr <- fn(translate_kql(foo), translate_kql(bar), translate_kql(baz)) expect_equal(expr, kql("sum(['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz'])")) }) test_that("filter is translated to where with a single expression", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "setosa") q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| where ['Species'] == 'setosa'")) }) test_that("multiple arguments to filter() become multiple where clauses", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "setosa", SepalLength > 4.1) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| where ['Species'] == 'setosa'\n| where ['SepalLength'] > 4.1")) }) test_that("filter errors on missing symbols", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::filter(Speciess == "setosa") expect_error(show_query(q)) }) test_that("variables from enclosing environment are passed to filter()", { sepal_length_limit <- 2.5 q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::filter(SepalLength <= sepal_length_limit) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| where ['SepalLength'] <= 2.5")) }) test_that("variables from enclosing environment are passed to mutate()", { sepal_length_limit <- 2.5 q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::mutate(SepalLengthLimit = sepal_length_limit) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| extend ['SepalLengthLimit'] = 2.5")) }) test_that("select and filter can be combined", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "setosa") %>% dplyr::select(Species, SepalLength) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| where ['Species'] == 'setosa'\n| project ['Species'], ['SepalLength']")) }) test_that("select errors on column after selected away", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::select(Species) %>% dplyr::select(SepalLength) expect_error(show_query(q)) }) test_that("mutate translates to extend", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::mutate(Species2 = Species) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| extend ['Species2'] = ['Species']")) }) test_that("multiple arguments to mutate() become multiple extend clauses", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::mutate(Species2 = Species, Species3 = Species2, Foo = 1 + 2) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| extend ['Species2'] = ['Species']\n| extend ['Species3'] = ['Species2']\n| extend ['Foo'] = 1 + 2")) }) test_that("sum() translated correctly", { expect_equal(as.character(translate_kql(MeanSepalLength = mean(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE))), "avg(['SepalLength'])" ) }) test_that("arrange() generates order by ", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::arrange(Species, desc(SepalLength)) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| order by ['Species'] asc, ['SepalLength'] desc")) }) test_that("group_by() followed by summarize() generates summarize clause", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE)) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("group_by() followed by summarize() with multiple summarizations generates one summarize clause", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE), MaxSepalWidth = max(SepalWidth, na.rm = TRUE)) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']), ['MaxSepalWidth'] = max(['SepalWidth']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("group_by() followed by summarize() with multiple summarizations generates one summarize clause in presence of hints", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE), MaxSepalWidth = max(SepalWidth, na.rm = TRUE), .strategy="shuffle") q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']), ['MaxSepalWidth'] = max(['SepalWidth']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("group_by() followed by ungroup() followed by summarize() generates summarize clause", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::summarize(MeanOfMaxSepalLength = mean(MaxSepalLength, na.rm = TRUE)) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['Species']\n| summarize ['MeanOfMaxSepalLength'] = avg(['MaxSepalLength'])")) }) test_that("group_by() followed by mutate() partitions the mutation by the grouping variables", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::mutate(SpeciesMaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE)) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| as tmp | join kind=leftouter (tmp | summarize ['SpeciesMaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['Species']) on ['Species']\n| project ['SepalLength'], ['SepalWidth'], ['PetalLength'], ['PetalWidth'], ['Species'], ['SpeciesMaxSepalLength']")) }) test_that("mutate() with an agg function and no group_by() groups by all other columns", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::mutate(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE)) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['SepalLength'], ['SepalWidth'], ['PetalLength'], ['PetalWidth'], ['Species']")) }) test_that("is_agg works with symbols and strings", { expect_true(is_agg(n)) expect_true(is_agg("n")) expect_false(is_agg(o)) expect_false(is_agg("o")) expect_false(is_agg(`+`)) expect_false(is_agg(abs)) expect_false(is_agg(TRUE)) }) test_that("rename() renames variables", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::rename(Species2 = Species, SepalLength2 = SepalLength) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| project-rename ['Species2'] = ['Species'], ['SepalLength2'] = ['SepalLength']")) }) test_that("rename() errors when given a nonexistent column", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::rename(Species2 = Species1) expect_error(show_query(q)) }) test_that("head(10) translates to take 10", { q <- tbl_iris %>% head(10) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| take 10")) }) test_that("head() translates to take 6 (the default)", { q <- tbl_iris %>% head() q_str <- q %>% show_query expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| take 6")) }) left <- tbl_iris right <- iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE)) right2 <- iris %>% dplyr::rename(SepalWidth = Sepal.Width) %>% dplyr::group_by(Species, SepalWidth) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE)) right3 <- right2 %>% dplyr::rename(Species2 = Species, SepalWidth2 = SepalWidth) right <- tbl_kusto_abstract(right, "iris2") right2 <- tbl_kusto_abstract(right2, "iris2") right3 <- tbl_kusto_abstract(right3, "iris3") test_that("inner_join() on a single column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right, by = c("Species")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) }) test_that("inner_join() on two columns translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right2, by = c("Species", "SepalWidth")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species'], ['SepalWidth']")) }) test_that("inner_join() on one differently named column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right3, by = c("Species" = "Species2")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris3']) on $left.['Species'] == $right.['Species2']")) }) test_that("inner_join() on two differently named columns translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right3, by = c("Species" = "Species2", "SepalWidth" = "SepalWidth2")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris3']) on $left.['Species'] == $right.['Species2'], $left.['SepalWidth'] == $right.['SepalWidth2']")) }) test_that("left_join() on a single column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::left_join(right, by = c("Species")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = leftouter (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) }) test_that("right_join() on a single column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::right_join(right, by = c("Species")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = rightouter (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) }) test_that("full_join() on a single column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::full_join(right, by = c("Species")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = fullouter (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) }) test_that("semi_join() on a single column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::semi_join(right, by = c("Species")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = leftsemi (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) }) test_that("anti_join() on a single column translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::anti_join(right, by = c("Species")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = leftanti (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) }) test_that("union_all translates correctly", { tbl_iris_2 <- tbl_kusto_abstract(iris, "iris") q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::union_all(tbl_iris_2) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| union kind = outer (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'])")) }) test_that("as.Date() produces a Kusto datetime", { dates <- c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03") dates <- as.Date(dates) words <- c("Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday") df <- data.frame(dates, words) tbl_dates <- tbl_kusto_abstract(df, "df") q <- tbl_dates %>% filter(dates == as.Date("2019-01-01")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['df']\n| where ['dates'] == todatetime('2019-01-01')")) }) test_that("as.POSIXct() produces a Kusto datetime", { dates <- c("2019-01-01T23:59:59", "2019-01-02T23:59:58", "2019-01-03T00:00:00") dates <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dates, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")) words <- c("Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday") df <- data.frame(dates, words) tbl_dates <- tbl_kusto_abstract(df, "df") q <- tbl_dates %>% filter(dates == as.POSIXct(strptime("2019-01-01T23:59:59", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz="UTC"))) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['df']\n| where ['dates'] == todatetime(todatetime('2019-01-01T23:59:59'))")) }) test_that("as.POSIXlt() produces a Kusto datetime", { dates <- c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03") dates <- as.POSIXlt(dates) words <- c("Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday") df <- data.frame(dates, words) tbl_dates <- tbl_kusto_abstract(df, "df") q <- tbl_dates %>% filter(dates == as.POSIXlt("2019-01-01")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['df']\n| where ['dates'] == todatetime('2019-01-01')")) }) test_that("join hinting translates correctly", { q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right, by = c("Species"), .strategy="broadcast") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner hint.strategy = broadcast (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species']")) q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right2, by = c("Species", "SepalWidth"), .strategy="broadcast") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner hint.strategy = broadcast (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species'], ['SepalWidth']")) q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right2, by = c("Species", "SepalWidth"), .strategy="shuffle", .shufflekeys=c("Species", "SepalWidth")) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner hint.strategy = shuffle hint.shufflekey = ['Species'] hint.shufflekey = ['SepalWidth'] (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species'], ['SepalWidth']")) # only numeric input to .num_partitions allowed q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right2, by = c("Species", "SepalWidth"), .strategy="shuffle", .shufflekeys=c("Species", "SepalWidth"), .num_partitions="foo") expect_error(show_query(q)) q <- left %>% dplyr::inner_join(right2, by = c("Species", "SepalWidth"), .strategy="shuffle", .shufflekeys=c("Species", "SepalWidth"), .num_partitions=2) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| join kind = inner hint.strategy = shuffle hint.shufflekey = ['Species'] hint.shufflekey = ['SepalWidth'] hint.num_partitions = 2 (cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris2']) on ['Species'], ['SepalWidth']")) }) test_that("summarize hinting translates correctly", { q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE), .strategy="shuffle") q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['Species']")) q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE), .shufflekeys=c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth")) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize hint.shufflekey = ['SepalLength'] hint.shufflekey = ['SepalWidth'] ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['Species']")) # only numeric input to .num_partitions allowed q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE), .shufflekeys=c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth"), .num_partitions="foo") expect_error(show_query(q)) q <- tbl_iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% dplyr::summarize(MaxSepalLength = max(SepalLength, na.rm = TRUE), .shufflekeys=c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth"), .num_partitions=2) q_str <- q %>% show_query() expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize hint.shufflekey = ['SepalLength'] hint.shufflekey = ['SepalWidth'] hint.num_partitions = 2 ['MaxSepalLength'] = max(['SepalLength']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("unnest translates to mv-expand", { list_df <- tibble::tibble( x = 1:2, y = list(a = 1, b = 3:4) ) list_tbl <- tbl_kusto_abstract(list_df, table_name = "list_tbl") q <- list_tbl %>% tidyr::unnest(y) q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['list_tbl']\n| mv-expand ['y']")) }) test_that("unnest can handle multiple columns", { list_df <- tibble::tibble( x = 1:2, y = list(a = 1, b = 3:4), z = list(c = 2, b = 5:6) ) list_tbl <- tbl_kusto_abstract(list_df, table_name = "list_tbl") if (is_new_tidyr) { q <- list_tbl %>% tidyr::unnest(c(y, z)) } else { q <- list_tbl %>% tidyr::unnest(y, z) } q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['list_tbl']\n| mv-expand ['y'], ['z']")) }) if (!is_new_tidyr) { test_that("unnest .id translates to with_itemindex", { list_df <- tibble::tibble( x = 1:2, y = list(a = 1, b = 3:4) ) list_tbl <- tbl_kusto_abstract(list_df, table_name = "list_tbl") q <- list_tbl %>% tidyr::unnest(y, .id = "name") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['list_tbl']\n| mv-expand with_itemindex=['name'] ['y']")) }) } test_that("nest translates to summarize makelist()", { if (is_new_tidyr) { q <- tbl_iris %>% tidyr::nest(data = c(SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth)) } else { q <- tbl_iris %>% tidyr::nest(SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth) } q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['SepalLength'] = make_list(['SepalLength']), ['SepalWidth'] = make_list(['SepalWidth']), ['PetalLength'] = make_list(['PetalLength']), ['PetalWidth'] = make_list(['PetalWidth']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("nest respects preceding group_by", { q <- tbl_iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% tidyr::nest() q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['SepalLength'] = make_list(['SepalLength']), ['SepalWidth'] = make_list(['SepalWidth']), ['PetalLength'] = make_list(['PetalLength']), ['PetalWidth'] = make_list(['PetalWidth']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("nest nests all non-provided columns", { if (is_new_tidyr) { q <- tbl_iris %>% tidyr::nest(data = c(-Species)) } else { q <- tbl_iris %>% tidyr::nest(-Species) } q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris']\n| summarize ['SepalLength'] = make_list(['SepalLength']), ['SepalWidth'] = make_list(['SepalWidth']), ['PetalLength'] = make_list(['PetalLength']), ['PetalWidth'] = make_list(['PetalWidth']) by ['Species']")) }) test_that("kusto export command renders correctly", { cmd <- kusto_export_cmd( query = kql_render(kql_build(dplyr::summarize(tbl_iris, ct = n()))), storage_uri = "", name_prefix = "my_iris", key = "impersonate", format = "parquet", distributed = TRUE ) expected <- ".export compressed to parquet (h@';impersonate') with ( sizeLimit=1073741824, namePrefix='my_iris', fileExtension='parquet', compressionType='snappy', includeHeaders='firstFile', encoding='UTF8NoBOM', distributed=true ) <| cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | summarize ['ct'] = count() " expect_equal(expected, cmd) }) test_that("kusto export command renders correctly for csv", { cmd <- kusto_export_cmd( query = kql_render(kql_build(dplyr::summarize(tbl_iris, ct = n()))), storage_uri = "", name_prefix = "my_iris", key = "impersonate", format = "csv", distributed = FALSE ) expected <- ".export compressed to csv (h@';impersonate') with ( sizeLimit=1073741824, namePrefix='my_iris', fileExtension='csv', compressionType='gzip', includeHeaders='firstFile', encoding='UTF8NoBOM', distributed=false ) <| cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | summarize ['ct'] = count() " expect_equal(expected, cmd) }) test_that("kusto export command errors if format not in allowed list", { expect_error( kusto_export_cmd( query = kql_render(kql_build(dplyr::summarize(tbl_iris, ct = n()))), storage_uri = "", name_prefix = "my_iris", key = "impersonate", format = "avro", distributed = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("%in% operator works for vectors", { q <- tbl_iris |> filter(Species %in% c("setosa", "versicolor")) expected <- kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | where ['Species'] in ('setosa', 'versicolor')") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, expected) }) test_that("%!in% operator works for vectors", { q <- tbl_iris |> filter(Species %!in% c("setosa", "versicolor")) expected <- kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | where ['Species'] !in ('setosa', 'versicolor')") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, expected) }) test_that("%in~% operator works for vectors", { q <- tbl_iris |> filter(Species %in~% c("setosa", "versicolor")) expected <- kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | where ['Species'] in~ ('setosa', 'versicolor')") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, expected) }) test_that("%in% operator works for tables", { rhs <- select(tbl_iris, Species) q <- tbl_iris |> filter(Species %in% rhs) expected <- kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | where ['Species'] in ((cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | project ['Species']))") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, expected) }) test_that("%!in% operator works for tables", { rhs <- select(tbl_iris, Species) q <- tbl_iris |> filter(Species %!in% rhs) expected <- kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | where ['Species'] !in ((cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | project ['Species']))") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, expected) }) test_that("%in~% operator works for tables", { rhs <- select(tbl_iris, Species) q <- tbl_iris |> filter(Species %in~% rhs) expected <- kql("cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | where ['Species'] in~ ((cluster('local_df').database('local_df').['iris'] | project ['Species']))") q_str <- show_query(q) expect_equal(q_str, expected) })