library(testthat) test_that("Object creation", { andromeda <- andromeda() expect_true(isAndromeda(andromeda)) expect_true(isValidAndromeda(andromeda)) close(andromeda) expect_error(names(andromeda), "no longer valid") expect_true(isAndromeda(andromeda)) expect_false(isValidAndromeda(andromeda)) andromeda <- andromeda(cars = cars, iris = iris) expect_true("cars" %in% names(andromeda)) expect_true("iris" %in% names(andromeda)) close(andromeda) # All arguments must be named: expect_error(andromeda(cars, iris)) }) test_that("Tables from data frames", { andromeda <- andromeda() andromeda$cars <- cars expect_true("cars" %in% names(andromeda)) cars2 <- andromeda$cars %>% collect() expect_equivalent(cars2, cars) andromeda[["USArrests"]] <- USArrests USArrests2 <- andromeda[["USArrests"]] %>% collect() expect_equivalent(USArrests2, USArrests) close(andromeda) }) test_that("Tables from tables", { andromeda <- andromeda() andromeda$cars <- cars andromeda$cars2 <- andromeda$cars cars2 <- andromeda$cars2 %>% collect() expect_equivalent(cars2, cars) andromeda$cars3 <- andromeda$cars %>% filter(speed > 10) cars3 <- andromeda$cars3 %>% collect() expect_equivalent(cars3, cars %>% filter(speed > 10)) andromeda2 <- andromeda() andromeda2$cars <- cars andromeda$cars4 <- andromeda2$cars cars4 <- andromeda$cars4 %>% collect() expect_equivalent(cars4, cars) close(andromeda) close(andromeda2) }) test_that("Table from same table in same Andromeda", { andromeda <- andromeda() andromeda$cars <- cars andromeda$cars <- andromeda$cars %>% filter(speed > 10) cars2 <- andromeda$cars %>% collect() expect_equivalent(cars2, cars %>% filter(speed > 10)) close(andromeda) }) test_that("Dropping tables", { andromeda <- andromeda() andromeda$cars <- cars expect_true("cars" %in% names(andromeda)) andromeda$cars <- NULL expect_false("cars" %in% names(andromeda)) close(andromeda) }) test_that("Zero rows", { andromeda <- andromeda() andromeda$cars <- cars[cars$speed > 1000, ] expect_true("cars" %in% names(andromeda)) count <- andromeda$cars %>% count() %>% collect() expect_equal(count$n, 0) cars2 <- andromeda$cars %>% collect() expect_equal(nrow(cars2), 0) andromeda$iris <- iris andromeda$iris2 <- andromeda$iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length > 100) count2 <- andromeda$iris2 %>% count() %>% collect() expect_equal(count2$n, 0) andromeda2 <- andromeda(iris2 = andromeda$iris2) count3 <- andromeda2$iris2 %>% count() %>% collect() expect_equal(count3$n, 0) close(andromeda) close(andromeda2) }) test_that("Object cleanup", { andromeda <- andromeda() fileName <- andromeda@dbname expect_true(file.exists(fileName)) close(andromeda) expect_false(file.exists(fileName)) andromeda2 <- andromeda() fileName <- andromeda2@dbname expect_true(file.exists(fileName)) rm(andromeda2) invisible(gc()) expect_false(file.exists(fileName)) }) test_that("Setting the andromeda temp folder", { folder <- tempfile() options(andromedaTempFolder = folder) andromeda <- andromeda() files <- list.files(folder) expect_equal(length(files), 1) close(andromeda) unlink(folder, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("Copying andromeda", { andromeda <- andromeda() andromeda$cars <- cars andromeda2 <- copyAndromeda(andromeda) expect_true("cars" %in% names(andromeda2)) expect_false(andromeda@dbname == andromeda2@dbname) close(andromeda) close(andromeda2) }) test_that("Warning when disk space low", { skip_if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") availableSpace <- tryCatch(getAndromedaTempDiskSpace(), error = function(e) NA) skip_if( andromeda <- andromeda() options(warnDiskSpaceThreshold = Inf) expect_warning(andromeda$cars <- cars) close(andromeda) options(warnDiskSpaceThreshold = NULL) }) test_that("The only cached class is Andromeda", { expect_true(setequal(getClasses(asNamespace("Andromeda"), inherits = F), "Andromeda")) }) test_that("Get/set Andromeda table/column names works.", { andr <- andromeda() expect_length(names(andr), 0L) andr$cars <- cars andr[["iris"]] <- iris expect_equal(names(andr), c("cars", "iris")) names(andr) <- c("cars", "table2") expect_equal(names(andr), c("cars", "table2")) names(andr) <- toupper(names(andr)) expect_equal(names(andr), c("CARS", "TABLE2")) expect_equal(colnames(andr$CARS), names(cars)) names(andr$CARS) <- c("col1", "col2") expect_equal(names(andr$CARS), c("col1", "col2")) close(andr) }) test_that("isAndromedaTable", { # sqlite version con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "cars", cars) db <- dplyr::tbl(con, "cars") expect_true(isAndromedaTable(db)) expect_true(isAndromedaTable(dplyr::mutate(db, a = 1))) a <- andromeda(cars = cars) class(a$cars) expect_true(isAndromedaTable(a$cars)) expect_true(isAndromedaTable(dplyr::mutate(a$cars, a = 1))) # arrow version path <- tempfile() arrow::write_feather(cars, path) ds <- arrow::open_dataset(path, format = "feather") class(ds) expect_true(isAndromedaTable(ds)) expect_true(isAndromedaTable(dplyr::mutate(ds, a = 1))) })