context('columnSignificance Function') test_that('columnSignificance agrees with testing individual columns', { col <- colnames(dat)[1] res1 <- columnSignificance(dat, gmt, background, 0.1, 0.05, 'holm', rep(0.05, length(gmt))) res2 <- ActivePathways(dat[, col, drop = FALSE], gmt, correction_method = 'holm', geneset_filter = NULL) # Pathways that are significant according to columnSignificance comp1 = res1$term_id[ sapply(res1[["Genes_cds"]], function(x) !all( ] expect_true(setequal(comp1, res2$term_id)) }) test_that('Column names of columnSignificance result is correct', { res <- columnSignificance(dat, gmt, background, 0.1, 0.05, 'holm', rep(0.05, length(gmt))) expect_equal(colnames(res), c('term_id', 'evidence', paste0("Genes_", colnames(dat)))) })