context("ANOPA:: Testing main function (3 sections)") # expect_output( str(res), "data.frame") # expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt), TRUE) # expect_message( p <- superbPlot(dta2a, etc )) # expect_error(), expect_warning(), expect_condition( , class = "") test_that("Testing anopa on simple data sets (1/3)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options( = 'none') #short names c1B <- minimalBSExample #compiled, BS (3; suj var; N = 175) w1B <- ctow(c1B, "s", "n") l1B <- ctol(c1B, "s", "n") c2B <- twoWayExample #compiled, BS (2x3; suj var; N = 72) w2B <- ctow(c2B, "success", "total") l2B <- ctol(c2B, "success", "total") w1W <- minimalWSExample #wide, WS ((3); 19 suj; N = 19) c1W <- wtoc(w1W, c("bpre","b1week","b5week"), "n") l1W <- wtol(w1W, c("bpre","b1week","b5week") ) w2W <- twoWayWithinExample #wide, WS ((2x3); 30 suj; N = 30) c2W <- wtoc(w2W, c("r11","r12","r13","r21","r22","r23"), "n") l2W <- wtol(w2W, c("r11","r12","r13","r21","r22","r23") ) wWB <- minimalMxExample #wide, Mix (3x(3); 8 suj; N = 24) cWB <- wtoc(wWB, c("bpre", "bpost", "b1week", "b5week"), "n") lWB <- wtol(wWB, c("bpre", "bpost", "b1week", "b5week") ) # all the examples with one BS factor (w/l/c) DONE frmw1B <- s ~ state r1Bb <- anopa(frmw1B, w1B) expect_equal( dim(r1Bb$wideData), c(175,2)) expect_equal( round(r1Bb$omnibus[1,1]-0.03238,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frml1B <- Value ~ state * Variable | Id r1Bc <- anopa(frml1B, l1B) expect_equal( dim(r1Bc$wideData), c(175,2)) expect_equal( round(r1Bc$omnibus[1,1]-0.03238,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frmc1B <- {s;n} ~ state r1Ba <- anopa(frmc1B, c1B) expect_equal( dim(r1Ba$wideData), c(175,2)) expect_equal( round(r1Ba$omnibus[1,1]-0.03238,7), 0, tol=0.00001) # all the examples with one WS factor (w/l) DONE frmw1W <- cbind(bpre, b1week, b5week) ~ . r1Wb <- anopa(frmw1W, w1W, WSFactors = "moment(3)") expect_equal( dim(r1Wb$wideData), c(19,3)) expect_equal( round(r1Wb$omnibus[1,1]-0.003512184,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frml1W <- Value ~ Variable | Id r1Wc <- anopa(frml1W, l1W, WSFactors="Moment(3)") expect_equal( dim(r1Wc$wideData), c(19,3)) expect_equal( round(r1Wc$omnibus[1,1]-0.003512184,7), 0, tol=0.00001) # all the examples with two BS factors (w/l/c) DONE frmc2B <- {success;total} ~ Class * Difficulty r2Ba <- anopa(frmc2B, c2B) expect_equal( dim(r2Ba$wideData), c(72,3)) expect_equal( round(r2Ba$omnibus[1,1]-0.0325691,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(r2Ba$omnibus[2,1]-0.136787,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frmw2B <- success ~ Class * Difficulty r2Bb <- anopa(frmw2B, w2B) expect_equal( dim(r2Bb$wideData), c(72,3)) expect_equal( round(r2Ba$omnibus[1,1]-0.0325691,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(r2Ba$omnibus[2,1]-0.136787,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frml2B <- Value ~ Class * Difficulty * Variable | Id r2Bc <- anopa(frml2B, l2B) expect_equal( dim(r2Bc$wideData), c(72,3)) expect_equal( round(r2Ba$omnibus[1,1]-0.0325691,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(r2Ba$omnibus[2,1]-0.136787,7), 0, tol=0.00001) # all the examples with two WS factors (w/l) DONE frmw2W <- cbind(r11,r12,r13,r21,r22,r23) ~ . r2Wb <- anopa(frmw2W, w2W, WSFactors = c("G(3)", "F(2)")) expect_equal( dim(r2Wb$wideData), c(30,6)) expect_equal( round(r2Wb$omnibus[1,1]-0.0502356,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(r2Wb$omnibus[2,1]-0.00732517,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frml2W <- Value ~ Variable | Id r2Wc <- anopa(frml2W, l2W, WSFactors=c("G(3)","F(2)") ) expect_equal( dim(r2Wc$wideData), c(30,6)) expect_equal( round(r2Wc$omnibus[1,1]-0.0502356,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(r2Wc$omnibus[2,1]-0.00732517,7), 0, tol=0.00001) # all the examples with BW factors (w/l) HERE frmwWB <- cbind(bpre, bpost, b1week, b5week) ~ Status rWBb <- anopa(frmwWB, wWB, WSFactors = "Moment(4)" ) expect_equal( dim(rWBb$wideData), c(27,5)) expect_equal( round(rWBb$omnibus[1,1]-0.006472,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(rWBb$omnibus[2,1]-0.174546,7), 0, tol=0.00001) frmlWB <- Value ~ Status * Variable | Id rWBc <- anopa(frmlWB, lWB, WSFactors="Moment(4)") expect_equal( dim(rWBc$wideData), c(27,5)) expect_equal( round(rWBc$omnibus[1,1]-0.006472,7), 0, tol=0.00001) expect_equal( round(rWBc$omnibus[2,1]-0.174546,7), 0, tol=0.00001) }) test_that("Testing paper's examples (2/3)", { # first example of the paper res <- anopa( {nSuccess; nParticipants} ~ DistractingTask, ArticleExample1) expect_equal( dim(res$wideData), c(97,2)) expect_equal( res$omnibus[1,1], 0.036803, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal( res$omnibus[2,1], 0.010478, tolerance = 0.0001) # second example of the paper res <-anopa( {s;n} ~ MofDiagnostic * SES, ArticleExample2) expect_equal( dim(res$wideData), c(445,3)) expect_equal( res$omnibus[1,1], 0.001742, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal( res$omnibus[2,1], 0.022242, tolerance = 0.0001) # third example of the paper res <- anopa( cbind(cBau, eaPoe, RnV, Placebo) ~ ., ArticleExample3, WSFactors = "Drug(4)" ) expect_equal( dim(res$wideData), c(30,4)) expect_equal( res$omnibus[1,1], 0.017791, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal( res$omnibus[2,1], 0.005834, tolerance = 0.0001) }) test_that("Testing simulated data sets (3/3)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options( = 'none') # one example from a 2 x (3) design set.seed(41) frm <- cbind(s.early, s.middle, s.late) ~ grp BSDesign <- list(grp = c("ctrl","plcbo")) WSDesign <- list(moment = c("early","middle","late")) thePs <- c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7) theN <- 20 smp <- GRP( thePs, theN, BSDesign, WSDesign ) expect_equal( dim(smp), c(2*theN, 5)) #2*3*10 lines, 5 columns (Id, bs-factors, two measures) w <- anopa(frm, smp[,2:5] , WSFactors = "hour(3)") summarize(w) expect_equal( summarize(w)[1,1], 0.152799, tolerance = 0.0001) # test type-I error rate when no effect set.seed(41) dec <- c() for (i in 1:100) { smp <- GRP( thePs, theN, BSDesign, WSDesign ) w <- anopa(frm, smp[,2:5] , WSFactors = "hour(3)") dec <- c(dec, if(summarize(w)[2,4]<.05) 1 else 0) } typeI <- mean(dec) expect_equal( typeI, .05, tolerance = 0.035) # effect size for second factor f2 <- anopaProp2fsq( c(0.3,0.3,0.7), c(25,25,25) ); desiredN <- anopaPower2N(.80, 3, f2) # test power rate when moderate main effect set.seed(41) dec<- c() for (i in 1:100) { smp <- GRP( thePs, round(desiredN/(2*3)), BSDesign, WSDesign ) w <- anopa(frm, smp[,2:5] , WSFactors = "hour(3)") dec <- c(dec, if(summarize(w)[1,4]<.05) 1 else 0) } pwr <- mean(dec) expect_equal( pwr, .80, tolerance = 0.05) })