R Under development (unstable) (2024-10-29 r87275 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html > > library(testthat) > library(ABRSQOL) > > test_check("ABRSQOL") Begin loop to solve for quality of life measure: Iteration: 1 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1e+05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 2 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.1444495 > 1e-10 Iteration: 3 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.08909052 > 1e-10 Iteration: 4 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.05762155 > 1e-10 Iteration: 5 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.03834277 > 1e-10 Iteration: 6 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.02599107 > 1e-10 Iteration: 7 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.01785973 > 1e-10 Iteration: 8 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.01241281 > 1e-10 Iteration: 9 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.008713095 > 1e-10 Iteration: 10 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.006173899 > 1e-10 Iteration: 11 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.004423485 > 1e-10 Iteration: 12 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.003236319 > 1e-10 Iteration: 13 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.002450633 > 1e-10 Iteration: 14 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.001926957 > 1e-10 Iteration: 15 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.001552014 > 1e-10 Iteration: 16 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.001271591 > 1e-10 Iteration: 17 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.001048596 > 1e-10 Iteration: 18 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0008664599 > 1e-10 Iteration: 19 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.000714493 > 1e-10 Iteration: 20 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0005879247 > 1e-10 Iteration: 21 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0004828527 > 1e-10 Iteration: 22 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0003964957 > 1e-10 Iteration: 23 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0003252814 > 1e-10 Iteration: 24 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0002667476 > 1e-10 Iteration: 25 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0002185701 > 1e-10 Iteration: 26 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0001792633 > 1e-10 Iteration: 27 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.0001471701 > 1e-10 Iteration: 28 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 0.000121069 > 1e-10 Iteration: 29 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 9.984398e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 30 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 8.25308e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 31 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 6.827915e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 32 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 5.6626e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 33 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 4.702243e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 34 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.90601e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 35 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.250337e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 36 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.704979e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 37 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.2515e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 38 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.87447e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 39 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.562703e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 40 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.304705e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 41 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.091981e-05 > 1e-10 Iteration: 42 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 9.142648e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 43 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 7.656518e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 44 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 6.413595e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 45 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 5.37398e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 46 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 4.504157e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 47 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.776217e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 48 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.166863e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 49 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.656639e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 50 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.229298e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 51 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.87127e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 52 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.571224e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 53 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.319692e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 54 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.108765e-06 > 1e-10 Iteration: 55 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 9.318321e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 56 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 7.833684e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 57 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 6.587541e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 58 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 5.541253e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 59 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 4.662495e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 60 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.924215e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 61 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.311376e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 62 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.795669e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 63 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.360774e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 64 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.993942e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 65 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.684452e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 66 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.423284e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 67 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.202843e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 68 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.01674e-07 > 1e-10 Iteration: 69 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 8.595919e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 70 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 7.268672e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 71 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 6.14747e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 72 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 5.200138e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 73 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 4.399558e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 74 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.722866e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 75 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.150783e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 76 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.667048e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 77 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.257945e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 78 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.911896e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 79 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.619133e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 80 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.371409e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 81 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.161759e-08 > 1e-10 Iteration: 82 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 9.866055e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 83 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 8.384023e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 84 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 7.125104e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 85 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 6.055629e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 86 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 5.147023e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 87 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 4.375031e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 88 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.719067e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 89 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.161652e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 90 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.687949e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 91 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.285359e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 92 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.943183e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 93 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.652336e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 94 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.405103e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 95 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.194931e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 96 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.016252e-09 > 1e-10 Iteration: 97 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 8.643393e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 98 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 7.351746e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 99 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 6.253453e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 100 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 5.319515e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 101 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 4.525293e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 102 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.849847e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 103 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 3.275382e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 104 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.786776e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 105 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.371173e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 106 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 2.017647e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 107 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.71691e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 108 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.461068e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 109 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.243406e-10 > 1e-10 Iteration: 110 / 10000 . Value of objective function: 1.058219e-10 > 1e-10 Quality of life measure generated and returned as vector.[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 4 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.51 0.06 0.56